Happpy Mondaaaay peeps!! The last part of the week and weekend F L E W by! As many of you may know, I went to Chicago on Wednesday and stayed through Saturday. My sister and I got my mom tickets to the Bruno Mars concert for Christmas! The concert was AMAZING and it was so fun to watch my mom dance and sing a long to her favorite person! (She named her dog after Bruno Mars!)
Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekend. Show all posts
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Monday, February 20, 2017
Weekend Recap
Hey, hey friends! I hope Monday is off to a great start for you! We woke up to thunderstorms and rain but highs in the 60's! Can't beat that in February! It was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL this weekend. High's in the 70's in Iowa, in February- almost unheard of. We took full advantage of the weather and spent A LOT of time outside!
Monday, February 13, 2017
Weekend Recap
I've somehow fallen off the blogging train and my weekend recaps happen less and less. So, I thought what the heck and threw one together at last minute.
Our weekend was nice and slow without any real plans. The next few weekends that will change so we're soaking it up for right now.
We got home Friday night, ready to settle in and have Friday night pizza night and watch the Trolls. We realized that we left Saidey's blanket at daycare. Oh the horror. Seriously guys. This was her face when she finally grasped that we left it at school and could not get it until Monday. I know it was probably mean to take a picture when her world was ending but I just couldn't stop myself. All was well when we headed upstairs to find a suitable replacement. But she did not forget the entire weekend that we forgot her blanket. #momfail
We watched Trolls and the girls had pepperoni pizza and Will and I had taco pizza from Casey's- YUMMO!
The girls thought it would be a good idea to wake up at the wee crack of dawn (ok, 6:30) and so we let them watch cartoons while we tried to get a little more rest.
Once we arose from our slumber, we headed downstairs for breakfast and MORE TROLLS. We had an Office Depot and DSW run to do and so we got ready to go!
She has been LOVING getting her dolls dressed and today- TWINNING!
Saturday's weather was GLORIOUS! Is it really only February!? At any rate, a trip to Starbucks was in order!
Strawberry refresher with almond milk! My go to drink!
We ran to my mom's and hung out for a bit and then stopped at an awesome BBQ place that's a little hole in the wall. Their mac and cheese? So good and creamy! And the BEST cornbread topped with honey.. Yes MA'AM!
We had a quiet rest of the day, ending the night with Walking Dead. Have you guys seen it? For some reason, we are just now getting into it and started Season 3 this weekend.
On Sunday we played hooky from church and we all slept in. (Oops). We got ready after sending Will on a donut run and then got ready for a Target run.
Ready for TARGET!
Once we got home, we started working on Valentine's!
And then the girls spent the rest of the afternoon playing
Sophia loves her Lego's too. We have a permanent spot set up in our dining room of a table for just Lego's. We set it up one weekend and haven't taken it down.
I'm not sure why we thought we needed to move- the girls have their own bedrooms now and a playroom in the basement and still seem to play in anywhere BUT those areas.
Will had to go into work for a few hours so it was just the girls and me. We cleaned out the fridge for dinner and ran to Dairy Queen for a treat. We ran home and it was baths, books and bed. I settled in for the night and watched the Grammy's. By 10:30 though, I had to hit the sack.
We have a fun week- tomorrow, of course is Valentine's Day- I took the afternoon off to help at Sophia's party and then we're going to have a special family Valentine's dinner. On Saturday, Sophia starts piano lessons and is so excited! I can't wait for her to begin learning and playing!
Happy Monday all!
Monday, February 6, 2017
February Goals
Hey friends! It's another Monday and of course, I'm behind on sharing my monthly goals with y'all! But- HELLOOOO February! So good to see you! January went by like a whirlwind.
We had a great weekend, no set plans so we did the usual- a trip to Target, HyVee, and did a few things around the house.
Friday night we headed up to Ames to the ISU gymnastics night. They had Daddy/Daughter princess night but we all decided to go. The girls loved it and got to walk in the "Princess Parade" before the meet. I love taking the girls to Ames and sharing my love for the Cyclones with them.
Saidey kept asking "Why that bird dancing, he supposed to be angry!" She thought he looked like an angry bird from the movie!
Sophia loves Cy-cones! =)
So does Saidey!
And then on Saturday we watched the Cyclones Men's bball team take down Kansas! WOO HOO!!
Let's take a look back at my January goals and how I did:
1. Get office furniture: SEMI check! I got a couch and some cute accent chairs. I still am on a hunt for a desk, desk chair, a shelf, and of course, some decor.
I got two of these chairs and am going to create a cozy, sitting spot in my office
After sending these to the wrong address, (just to the neighbors across the street) I got my business cards in the mail! Feeling official now! =)
2. Credentialing- I have my applications sent in for the companies I want to start with. One of them has progressed to the second step so that's good news.
3. Trips- No progress. We haven't even touched this subject yet... hopefully more to come on that in February!
4. Organize: This month, I decided to tackle the girls' bathroom vanity. It was a mess of lotions, bows and headbands. I picked up a few storage containers from the Container Store and got to work. I'm super happy with how it turned out and it's functionality.
An organizers dream come true! =)
We were in really poor shape under their vanity...
A mess of pony tail holders, headbands and bows
The angels are singing!
Everything has a place!
These storage containers can be found HERE
So, now for my FEBRUARY goals!
1. Valentine's- We decided on these for the girls school... super easy and they can help me assemble! The finger lights were SUPER cheap on Amazon as well as the self sealing envelopes. I just need to get the cards printed and we're good to go!
We have 5 teacher gifts to do and I'm thinking I'm going to do this:
AND NOW! I can't believe the difference! My goal is to grow it out to right above my chest, maybe longer, we'll just have to wait and see. I've been THIS close to chopping it all off again several times throughout this process.
We had a great weekend, no set plans so we did the usual- a trip to Target, HyVee, and did a few things around the house.
Friday night we headed up to Ames to the ISU gymnastics night. They had Daddy/Daughter princess night but we all decided to go. The girls loved it and got to walk in the "Princess Parade" before the meet. I love taking the girls to Ames and sharing my love for the Cyclones with them.
Saidey kept asking "Why that bird dancing, he supposed to be angry!" She thought he looked like an angry bird from the movie!
Sophia loves Cy-cones! =)
So does Saidey!
And then on Saturday we watched the Cyclones Men's bball team take down Kansas! WOO HOO!!
Let's take a look back at my January goals and how I did:
1. Get office furniture: SEMI check! I got a couch and some cute accent chairs. I still am on a hunt for a desk, desk chair, a shelf, and of course, some decor.
I got two of these chairs and am going to create a cozy, sitting spot in my office
After sending these to the wrong address, (just to the neighbors across the street) I got my business cards in the mail! Feeling official now! =)
2. Credentialing- I have my applications sent in for the companies I want to start with. One of them has progressed to the second step so that's good news.
3. Trips- No progress. We haven't even touched this subject yet... hopefully more to come on that in February!
4. Organize: This month, I decided to tackle the girls' bathroom vanity. It was a mess of lotions, bows and headbands. I picked up a few storage containers from the Container Store and got to work. I'm super happy with how it turned out and it's functionality.
An organizers dream come true! =)
We were in really poor shape under their vanity...
A mess of pony tail holders, headbands and bows
The angels are singing!
Everything has a place!
These storage containers can be found HERE
So, now for my FEBRUARY goals!
1. Valentine's- We decided on these for the girls school... super easy and they can help me assemble! The finger lights were SUPER cheap on Amazon as well as the self sealing envelopes. I just need to get the cards printed and we're good to go!
We have 5 teacher gifts to do and I'm thinking I'm going to do this:
I think this is super simple to put together and can be reasonable on the wallet, too.
2. Organize- I'm going to tackle another area of our home this month- I just haven't decided which one! Our basement storage area is a HUGE goal but to be honest, I'm putting it off! Check back here next month to see which area I chose! ( I know, I know, I'm letting myself off the hook by not choosing a specific spot now #donttellonme)
3. Plan Saidey's birthday party- Saidey's birthday is towards the end of March, but I'll need to start putting some ideas together. We've decided on a magical unicorn party. You can see my Pinterest inspiration here:
4. Trip- We're thinking of an adult only trip to Chicago this Spring to celebrate Will's graduate program graduation. He is SO close to being done and will have his master's degree- so proud of him. We also want to start planning a family trip for the Summer, too.
4. Get a trim! I've been growing my hair out for about 7-9 months now and I got it trimmed FOREVER ago and so I really need to just get an appointment scheduled to get it trimmed.
This was a picture of me at this time, last year:
woah- hello close up! But look at that SHORT hair!!
AND NOW! I can't believe the difference! My goal is to grow it out to right above my chest, maybe longer, we'll just have to wait and see. I've been THIS close to chopping it all off again several times throughout this process.
Alright, so there's my FEBRUARY goals!
Happy Monday- I'll be back later in the week sharing my FIVE mama must haves!
Thanks for visiting!
PS. I'm linking up for the first time for Mom Life Mondays! Check out all the other amazing blogs and mamas!
mom life
monthly goals
new month
weekend recap
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Weekend Recap: TURKEY DAY Edition
Hey friends! I hope y'all had a FABULOUS Turkey day and got to spend the day with family and friends and of course, all the turkey and stuffing.
The last four days have FLOWN by and I can't believe we're already into December this week! Regardless, this is my FAVORITE time of the year, hands down! We have so many fun activities planned and this season just brings out the joyful little kid in me!
We started Thanksgiving day slow and easy. We all got up around 7:30 to start prepping. Will and I stayed up a little later the night before to do some prep, so we really didn't have a ton to do. The girls grabbed a light breakfast while Will and I worked on the turkey and stuffing. We popped the turkey in the oven, turned on the Macy's day parade, and lit the fireplace. It was glorious.
The girls helped me set the table and we got ready for peeps to begin showing up. Since my side of the family celebrates Thanksgiving and Christmas early, it was just my immediate family in attendance. We also invited my dear friend, Chelsea and we were so excited for her to join us.
We came, we ate and we napped. We spent the rest of Thanksgiving day relaxing, watching football and then other movies later.
The next day, was slow again and we cooked breakfast and the girls played while we just hung around. Later that morning, my sister and I decided to brave a few stores for Black Friday deals and it really wasn't as bad as we expected! We hit Old Navy, Anthropologie, J Crew, and Gap. After we declared our feet too tired, we decided to call it a day.
I grabbed a quick lunch of leftovers and then we decided to go on a hunt for a new Christmas tree. Since moving, our Charlie Brown tree just wasn't going to cut it any longer! We headed to At Home and picked out a 9 footer and spent the rest of the afternoon into early evening, putting up the tree and the rest of our Christmas decorations.
We ordered pizza and had a quiet night. After the girls were tucked into bed, it was FINALLY GILMORE GIRLS TIME!!
Saturday morning came and we ate breakfast and hung around for a little bit before getting ready and heading to Moana.
We somehow got the showtimes mixed up and got into the theatre RIGHT when it was starting, so alas, no pictures to document this experience. The movie was SO good and the girls really enjoyed it.
After the movie, we ran back home and the girls were DYING to play outside so they went outside and I got the chance to run to Target. They had buy one get free frames and buy one, get one free candles so I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I finally found a frame for a print we purchased in Italy. I also picked up a few random things for the girls as all apparel was 30% off.
When I got back home, the girls BEGGED to go to the park. So, they hopped on their bikes and we took the short trek to the park. It was BEAUTIFUL out, 60 degrees, and it was crazy to be riding bikes to the park in November, in Iowa. We'll take it though!
After the park, we ran and grabbed take out (don't judge- it's the weekend, right?!) and ate while watching Christmas movies. After the girls were tucked in, you guessed it- GILMORE GIRLS! Now, I hate to be a spoiler if you haven't watched it but what was with the Stars Hollow play?! It was never ending and I just didn't quite understand it. Anyway.
We were awake and at em' on Sunday for church.
Saidey has been going to her preschool Sunday class since September so it was the first time she sat in church with us for a long time. It completely changed the dynamic- when it's just Sophia and us, she sits so nicely and listens and follows along. Well, this time, they both were restless, had to go to the bathroom and Saidey even though it was a good idea to lay down on the pew and refused to get up. Thankfully, it was mostly empty so there was actually room for her to do that and it was a battle I didn't want to fight.
After the mess that church was, we ran home and Sophia worked on her All About Me poster as she is the star student this week. Will also worked on homework and Saidey colored next to Sophia. She may have "accidentally" colored on Sophia's poster and before Sophia could get upset, we decided that was how she was going to tell her class about her sister. =) And this is where my little sister, Saidey, colored on my poster. She always colors on my stuff!
We had a little bit of time before we had to jet off again to grab lunch before Disney on Ice. These are the days that I'm so, so thankful for our local grocery store, HyVee and their service of online ordering. Before we left, I made up a list, shopped online and scheduled a pick up for later that day. AMEN!
We grabbed lunch at Buzzard Billy's downtown and then headed to Disney on Ice. As always, the show did not disappoint and the girls were completely enthralled from beginning to end. This has become our favorite Thanksgiving weekend tradition, so as long as it continues to come, we will probably go!
It was raining when we came outside after the show- this sweet girl kept me protected from the rain with the hat that came with her cotton candy. =)

The rest of the day was spent being lazy and finishing homework.
WHEW! That was a lot! We had a wonderful four day weekend and it was hard getting up on Monday, back in our routines. Everybody was a trooper though and we survived Monday. We have Saidey's school conferences this week and that's about it! Of course, on December 1st, Elf arrives and we start our Advent calendar. Here's to December! =)
Happy Tuesday everybody!
I grabbed a quick lunch of leftovers and then we decided to go on a hunt for a new Christmas tree. Since moving, our Charlie Brown tree just wasn't going to cut it any longer! We headed to At Home and picked out a 9 footer and spent the rest of the afternoon into early evening, putting up the tree and the rest of our Christmas decorations.
We ordered pizza and had a quiet night. After the girls were tucked into bed, it was FINALLY GILMORE GIRLS TIME!!
Saturday morning came and we ate breakfast and hung around for a little bit before getting ready and heading to Moana.
We somehow got the showtimes mixed up and got into the theatre RIGHT when it was starting, so alas, no pictures to document this experience. The movie was SO good and the girls really enjoyed it.
After the movie, we ran back home and the girls were DYING to play outside so they went outside and I got the chance to run to Target. They had buy one get free frames and buy one, get one free candles so I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I finally found a frame for a print we purchased in Italy. I also picked up a few random things for the girls as all apparel was 30% off.
When I got back home, the girls BEGGED to go to the park. So, they hopped on their bikes and we took the short trek to the park. It was BEAUTIFUL out, 60 degrees, and it was crazy to be riding bikes to the park in November, in Iowa. We'll take it though!
After the park, we ran and grabbed take out (don't judge- it's the weekend, right?!) and ate while watching Christmas movies. After the girls were tucked in, you guessed it- GILMORE GIRLS! Now, I hate to be a spoiler if you haven't watched it but what was with the Stars Hollow play?! It was never ending and I just didn't quite understand it. Anyway.
We were awake and at em' on Sunday for church.
Saidey has been going to her preschool Sunday class since September so it was the first time she sat in church with us for a long time. It completely changed the dynamic- when it's just Sophia and us, she sits so nicely and listens and follows along. Well, this time, they both were restless, had to go to the bathroom and Saidey even though it was a good idea to lay down on the pew and refused to get up. Thankfully, it was mostly empty so there was actually room for her to do that and it was a battle I didn't want to fight.
After the mess that church was, we ran home and Sophia worked on her All About Me poster as she is the star student this week. Will also worked on homework and Saidey colored next to Sophia. She may have "accidentally" colored on Sophia's poster and before Sophia could get upset, we decided that was how she was going to tell her class about her sister. =) And this is where my little sister, Saidey, colored on my poster. She always colors on my stuff!
We had a little bit of time before we had to jet off again to grab lunch before Disney on Ice. These are the days that I'm so, so thankful for our local grocery store, HyVee and their service of online ordering. Before we left, I made up a list, shopped online and scheduled a pick up for later that day. AMEN!
We grabbed lunch at Buzzard Billy's downtown and then headed to Disney on Ice. As always, the show did not disappoint and the girls were completely enthralled from beginning to end. This has become our favorite Thanksgiving weekend tradition, so as long as it continues to come, we will probably go!
She would NOT let go of her cup she got at the show- she had a death grip on it all the way home.

This popped up on my time hop feed- it was the first Disney on Ice show we took Sophia to, 3 years ago! Gah! Just look at how little she is!
WHEW! That was a lot! We had a wonderful four day weekend and it was hard getting up on Monday, back in our routines. Everybody was a trooper though and we survived Monday. We have Saidey's school conferences this week and that's about it! Of course, on December 1st, Elf arrives and we start our Advent calendar. Here's to December! =)
Happy Tuesday everybody!
mom life
weekend recap