Showing posts with label wanderlust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wanderlust. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Italy Adventure Days 4-7

The adventure continues and we're onto days 4-7! Here goes!

Day 4

We woke up in Venice and had a slow morning as we didn't really have anything on the agenda. We ate breakfast and then decided to walk back to the train station, taking the scenic route and stopping in shops along the way.

Mom stopped and got a fish pedicure! 

Ultimate tourists =)

187.4 MPH- taking the fast train back to Florence

We got back to Florence, picked up the car and drove the 50 minutes back to Greve (the villa where my grandparents were at)

We met back up with everyone else (17 of us all together) and enjoyed some delicous food and a beautiful sunset!

Day 5 

We woke up and took it easy again as we weren't scheduled for anything until noon. At noon, we all loaded up on a bus to a BEAUTIFUL lunch at a winery and then headed to the Walled Cities 

This was our view for lunch.. no big deal 

Amazing lunch! 

Amazing views! 

San Gimignano 

After a full day, we all returned to the villa and a dinner of lasagna was waiting for us. It was AMAZING and we all ate it right up. The rest of the night was spent with family and enjoying another beautiful sunset

Day 6

We were all up and at em for a 9AM tour of Florence. Our bus drivers came and picked us up and we were on our way!

The grandeur and elegance of the Duomo is breathtaking and just can't be captured in a photo. 

You tip, you get to pose with him! Mom was a little startled =) 

Statue of David

After the tour, we broke back into small groups and went on our own to explore. We grabbed some lunch and then shopped our way through Florence. 

They love chocolate in Italy too =)

You can't see very well but there is chocolate running between the cones 

We had delicious gelato here! 

We all met back up at the bus and he took us to an overlook over the city.

We drove back to Greve, regrouped and then scarfed down some amazing pizza! 
And then, you guessed it, we enjoyed another amazing sunset!

Day 7

This day was a chill by the pool day! We all swam, laid out in the sun and hung out. A little later in the afternoon, we ran into Greve as they have a cute little square with restaurants and shops.

We returned to the villa and started geting ready for a wine tour/tasting and dinner out for my Grandpa's birthday.

Dinner- with amazing views!

After dinner, we all headed to bed as several of us were headed out early the next morning. 

Stay tuned for our last three days in Rome! 
