Showing posts with label three things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label three things. Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2020

Three Things

 It’s been SO long since I’ve shared a “three things” post. I saw a favorite blogger to do it a few years ago and love how it’s a quick update on how everyone is doing and what we’ve been up to.

Of course, we are still in the middle of a pandemic, tense election, and one of the biggest fights for racial justice we’ve ever seen. As the saying goes, it’s fine, I’m fine. BUT despite the feeling of being in the Groundhog Day movie since March, navigating working from home, helping two kids navigate virtual learning, ALL while entertaining a toddler- life continues to chug away despite it all. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Three Things

Hey y'all! It's almost Thanksgiving! Here's to a short week and lots of family time! Can't beat that! I am SO looking forward to a long weekend with my people! 

I got the following blog post idea from one of my favorite bloggers, Andrea over at Momfessionals. I just love this idea because it gives a quick update about what's happening with everybody in the family. 

  • This girl is LOVING toast with strawberry jelly on it lately. Every morning she asks for "jelly please!" 
  • She is into all things crafty. She loves drawing, coloring, and especially painting. She also loves playing Play Doh and making "cookies"
  • Almost every night when we pick her up from school, she is either coloring or playing with Magna Tiles. Little does she know she is getting a 100 piece set just for herself this Christmas! =)

  • You can find Sophia either coloring/crafting or playing with her dolls. We received 4, hand me down American Girl dolls from my mom's neighbor and she loves them. 
  • Pizza pizza! This girl is my pizza eater! She would probably eat pizza every night if we let her!
  • She is such a mama hen. She loves taking care of her babies, Odin- our dog, and her little sister. 
  • We are settling into our new home. It feels less new and we're really thankful we chose here to call "home"
  • Will is in the home stretch of his master's program and is set to graduate in May 2016            
  • I have completed EMDR training (click on the link to see what EMDR is)  and am now working on my consultation hours. This has been a professional goal of mine for quite some time so I'm excited that I was able to finally complete it. Feeling a little unsure still of integrating it into my practice but I know with time, I will get more comfortable just as I have with the whole therapy process! 

So, there's a quick glimpse of what's going on with everybody! Hope everyone has a great week! 

Gobble Gobble!