Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Friday Favorites- Gift Ideas for the Kiddos

FriYAY you are here again! It's so lovely to see you! Since it's Friday, it's time for Friday Favorites and today, I thought I would share with you all some gift ideas for kiddos. These are some gifts we've already purchased for the girls for the holidays and some are on the list to purchase. 

I don't know about you but sometimes gift giving can be a struggle. I love to give gifts, love to see the excitement in their eyes as they open a gift and I love the sounds of ripping wrapping paper. Granted, I know gifts aren't the reason for the season but it's still fun to make your shopping list, shop and then wrap everything for under the tree to be opened on Christmas morning. 

However, sometimes I struggle with knowing what to get the girls when they already have so much. In our society, where more is more it's easy to go overboard. Sophia is so easy to buy for and I find myself reaching for things to put in the cart impulsively that I know she'll love only to find that she didn't REALLY need ANOTHER play dough set. This year, I'm trying to be more intentional with gift giving, making a list and sticking with it. Saidey is super hard to buy for. Mostly because we still have the toys that we got for Sophia at that age and she really, truly doesn't NEED anything. This year, we are sticking with only a few presents from Santa and a few from us. Knowing the limit makes me really narrow down those few, special gifts I really want to give the girls. 

I've found some great deals/ideas on Zulily this year...

Melissa and Doug Fruit Set

 KidKraft mixer 

We already have a few Melissa and Doug sets (pizza, cookies, cupcakes) and the girls absolutely love them. They are durable so the sets we bought several years ago are still holding up. Saidey is into a cutting stage (that sounded kind of morbid) and LOVES to pretend to cut food, so this fruit set is perfect for her age where she is still developing those fine motor skills. I also got her this mixing set because a kid sized mixer? And a roller? Didn't have to pull my leg too hard on this gift. 

Working in a child care setting the last few years, I've seen these in almost every child care center I went to. When Sophia was at Capitol Park, she LOVED playing with these things. Every day when I picked her up, she was at a table, building some sort of contraption with these. I don't know why I didn't do it before, but I purchased a set for the girls this year.

I found a set on Zulily for a great deal but unfortunately they're all sold out. =( But I linked some from Lakeshore. 

Saidey is getting this trampoline from Santa:

Does anyone have one? Reviews?

Sophia stole my super soft, extra big blanket I keep on my rocking chair in our room so that was one of the first things on her list. So, after Christmas I can steal my blanket back! 

When I got it, it was on sale, but it's not anymore. Bummer! 

Sophia is also really into Barbies and Legos right now, so I think we're going to get her this Lego set:

She already has Frozen and Ariel sets so she wants to build up her "collection" and be able to link them all together. 

And for the big one-  (and I must say I've been debating this one) but think it's our destiny to be owners of a Barbie Dreamhouse as much as I've tried to avoid it. 

This will be from Santa for both girls (mainly for Sophia but let's face it, whatever Sophia plays with, Saidey isn't too far behind) 

We also do stockings and will put random things like undies, toothbrushes, and small candies in it. 

There you have it- our Christmas list for the girls. What is on YOUR list for your kids? What is on their list?  Please share in the comments! 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Friday Favorites

FRIDAY it's so good to see you! What a week it's been! I started my new job and like any new job- there has and will continue to be a learning curve and adjustment period. I am truly enjoying it and content with knowing I made the absolute best choice for myself and my family.

Today, I am sharing some of my favorites from the week. This week has gone by like a blur so I barely took any pictures and after the girls went to bed- I plopped on the couch and hardly moved. So many of these favorites are specific items that are my FAVORITE right now! Enjoy and check them out!

Without further ado- my favorite things from the week!

If you shop at Nordstrom, you may be familiar with their anniversary sale. I am NOT a cardmember (yet :)) but I wanted to share these earrings as they are an item in the sale and are only $24.90. I LOVE these earrings so much I was considering getting a card to get early access just to snag a pair. 


I've shared my love for these May Designs notebooks and they recently came out with adult coloring books- LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

This guy. Seeing his updated weekly pictures is a FAVORITE. I look forward to every Tuesday so that we can see new pictures of this lil guy. We can't wait to welcome him home!

The rare moments that I catch the girls getting along and playing together are my absolute FAVORITE! 

And that's it! And if you haven't checked it out, you gotta check out Nordstrom's Anniversary sale- sale opens July 17th! So many great items at a steal! 

Not much going on for the weekend here, on Saturday, I am taking Sophia to Inside Out with a friend and her kiddo (Hi Ashley, if you're reading! I miss you and can't wait to see you!) and no other scheduled plans. 

Have a great weekend! 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

No Spend Challenge

When I wrote the post about the things I would do if I wasn't afraid, I was hesitant to put some of those things out there because it made me feel vulnerable. And that is one feeling I try my hardest to avoid. But I did it- and it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. For a few of the items, I really wanted to defend or explain them more but I challenged myself not to and that was probably the most hardest of it all.

One of the items was to know that happiness is found in more than a store and in this post I'm not only going to explain what I meant but also share with you how I plan to challenge myself in a way I've never done before.

I love shopping. I love the feeling of looking through the brightly colored clothing displays, accessories, handbags and shoes. I love the feeling of purchasing something new and the excitement of wearing something for the first time. While I'm by no means spending our mortgage on new clothes or going into debt,  I cringe when I think of all the experiences or savings that could have been if I hadn't spent it on material things. It's like after the bills have been paid and I have extra money, I get giddy of excitement at what I could spend it on. A new shirt? Shoes? Clothes or shoes for the girls? Why not?! I tell myself it's ok because the bills have been paid and it's ok to treat myself to some retail therapy. 

Receiving emails like these do not help the cause 

But when I realize that my urge to shop is more than just retail therapy; that I get the urge to shop when I'm happy, bored or upset, that is something I need to look more into. So, with that I am taking on the challenge of not spending any money during the month of June. When I told Will my plans he gave me a look that suggested he didn't quite take me seriously. But serious I am. 

I am challenging myself to not purchase any clothing, accessories, handbags, shoes, fingernail polish or even Target one spot finds. Just typing this is filling me with a small hint of panic. I am going to try not to purchase even items that can be clarified as wants vs. needs. But let's take small steps. But the clothes and shoes are a definite part of the no spend challenge. Wish me luck!! I will post updates along the way, probably with white knuckles on my Visa.

                                        One of my last Target One Stop finds for awhile...

This weekend was spent in Lansing and we had a fantastic time as always. By traveling just four hours away it's like being transported to somewhere quieter and peaceful. Life slows down a little and we're not surrounded by a Starbucks and Target at every corner. We hope everyone had a great, long weekend and were able to spend it with family and friends. On this day, we remember and honor those who sacrificed their lives.

                                      Fishing with Poppa- unfortunately the fish weren't biting that day

                                                                       Helping plant veggies

                                                         Just a girl in her diaper and rain boots

                                                                      Rainy Sunday afternoon 

                                                                            Sunday game night 

PS- To those that noticed the wonky font. I'm sorry but I just don't have the brain power to figure out why and how to fix it.