Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts

Monday, February 6, 2017

February Goals

Hey friends! It's another Monday and of course, I'm behind on sharing my monthly goals with y'all! But- HELLOOOO February! So good to see you! January went by like a whirlwind.

We had a great weekend, no set plans so we did the usual- a trip to Target, HyVee, and did a few things around the house.

Friday night we headed up to Ames to the ISU gymnastics night. They had Daddy/Daughter princess night but we all decided to go. The girls loved it and got to walk in the "Princess Parade" before the meet. I love taking the girls to Ames and sharing my love for the Cyclones with them.

Saidey kept asking "Why that bird dancing, he supposed to be angry!" She thought he looked like an angry bird from the movie!

Sophia loves Cy-cones! =)

So does Saidey!

And then on Saturday we watched the Cyclones Men's bball team take down Kansas! WOO HOO!!

Let's take a look back at my January goals and how I did:

1. Get office furniture: SEMI check! I got a couch and some cute accent chairs. I still am on a hunt for a desk, desk chair, a shelf, and of course, some decor.

I got two of these chairs and am going to create a cozy, sitting spot in my office

After sending these to the wrong address, (just to the neighbors across the street) I got my business cards in the mail! Feeling official now! =)

2. Credentialing- I have my applications sent in for the companies I want to start with. One of them has progressed to the second step so that's good news.

3. Trips- No progress. We haven't even touched this subject yet... hopefully more to come on that in February!

4. Organize: This month, I decided to tackle the girls' bathroom vanity. It was a mess of lotions, bows and headbands. I picked up a few storage containers from the Container Store and got to work. I'm super happy with how it turned out and it's functionality.

An organizers dream come true! =)

We were in really poor shape under their vanity...

A mess of pony tail holders, headbands and bows

The angels are singing!

Everything has a place!

These storage containers can be found HERE

So, now for my FEBRUARY goals!

1. Valentine's- We decided on these for the girls school... super easy and they can help me assemble! The finger lights were SUPER cheap on Amazon as well as the self sealing envelopes. I just need to get the cards printed and we're good to go!

We have 5 teacher gifts to do and I'm thinking I'm going to do this:

I think this is super simple to put together and can be reasonable on the wallet, too. 

2. Organize- I'm going to tackle another area of our home this month- I just haven't decided which one! Our basement storage area is a HUGE goal but to be honest, I'm putting it off! Check back here next month to see which area I chose! ( I know, I know, I'm letting myself off the hook by not choosing a specific spot now #donttellonme)

3. Plan Saidey's birthday party- Saidey's birthday is towards the end of March, but I'll need to start putting some ideas together. We've decided on a magical unicorn party. You can see my Pinterest inspiration here:

4. Trip- We're thinking of an adult only trip to Chicago this Spring to celebrate Will's graduate program graduation. He is SO close to being done and will have his master's degree- so proud of him. We also want to start planning a family trip for the Summer, too. 

4. Get a trim! I've been growing my hair out for about 7-9 months now and I got it trimmed FOREVER ago and so I really need to just get an appointment scheduled to get it trimmed. 

This was a picture of me at this time, last year:

woah- hello close up! But look at that SHORT hair!! 

AND NOW! I can't believe the difference! My goal is to grow it out to right above my chest, maybe longer, we'll just have to wait and see. I've been THIS close to chopping it all off again several times throughout this process.

Alright, so there's my FEBRUARY goals! 

Happy Monday- I'll be back later in the week sharing my FIVE mama must haves! 

Thanks for visiting! 

PS. I'm linking up for the first time for Mom Life Mondays! Check out all the other amazing blogs and mamas! 


Monday, January 9, 2017

Kids and Technology: KidloLand App

Love it or hate it, one thing is for sure: technology is here to stay. The way I've always dealt with technology and screen time is with a little bit of balance and knowing that there's a time and place for everything. Technology has a TON of advantages and with an IT nerd for a husband, fact is- our kids are around technology and will be for the unforeseen future.

We aren't super strict with screen time rules in our house- there are days that we all watch more TV or are on our Ipads more than others. Some days, especially a lazy Sunday- the girls will play games or watch movies, or worse- watch kids YouTube- you know the videos mamas- surprise eggs-for a few hours. But then, there are some days that the Ipads or screens are put up and aren't given a second thought. See? Balance!

With that, there is a balance of apps/games and what they watch as well. Some apps and videos are purely for entertainment purposes- I'm looking at you surprise egg videos- but one of the several advantages that technology has to offer us, are all the amazing educational apps that are now available. I believe a mixture of learning opportunities available to kiddos, in a variety of formats is important. So, I also believe that technology definitely has its place in education. One app in particular that I've recently discovered is KidloLand. With over 1,000 nursery rhymes, songs, stories and games it's just the thing that Saidey (3 years) loves to play. It's eye catching, rhythmic and colorful and there are so many things to choose from! It's also super easy to navigate and Saidey was able to move around with ease once I showed her where everything was. Even my oldest, Sophia, was into playing the games! I definitely recommend this app for your preschooler- and Saidey gives it a TWO THUMBS UP! =)

Here are just a few ways we manage technology in our home

1) Preview any games/apps 

Whenever we purchase an app/game, I always play with it first. I do this for a few reasons, the first being so that I can make sure it's appropriate and kid friendly- you just never know! The second reason is so that I can help the girls if they get stuck on something- I'll know my way around the app/game

2.) Ask first

We have a rule that if they would like screen time, that they ask first. My kiddos do really great with this. Usually, if they ask, I have no problem with them having some time on the Ipad- but if I do say no, I try to offer an alternative activity or at least tell them when they can have it next.

3.) Screen time last

This is a great rule of thumb- the girls know that if they ask for the Ipad, I usually will ask, "Have you done X yet?" If the answer is no, they know that they need to complete X before they get screen time. For example, usually in the mornings, we allow screen time for Sophia IF she is dressed and her teeth and hair are brushed. If those things are crossed off and we have time, she is allowed 10-15 minutes of screen time before we leave for the day.

4.) Engage in other play

A lot of times for us, screen time increases when I'm busy doing other stuff. There goes my idea of not using screens as a babysitter ;) There are days when I feel like they've had A LOT of extra screen time and I've been busy cleaning or doing laundry or whatever else needs to be done, that I will sort wave the flag and declare us ALL to do something together- usually a game or an art project. I've found that while I don't think they need entertained by me 24/7, screen time goes down considerably when I'm engaged in an activity with them or at least get them started in an activity.

Saidey LOVED the alphabet tracing!! 

Tell me, how do you manage screen time at your home? What educational apps do you love! Please share below! 

**This is a sponsored post, meaning that I was given a product in exchange for me to  review the product. Although this is a sponsored post, all opinions are my own. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas Recap

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday! Ours was filled with family, love, bleeding fingers/toes and whipped cream (more on that below)! 

This year, we were blessed for family that made the trip to see us and so we didn't have to travel anywhere. We had a lot of downtime, just the four of us to unwind and prepare for guests. When guests arrived it was nothing short of a good time with everyone. 

On Friday, Saidey started the day like this 

and ended the day like this: 

Poor thing shut her finger in a door and it was the worst. thing. ever. Poor baby girl. It was pretty swollen and sore to the touch, and we're pretty sure she's going to lose her finger nail. 

Friday night was pizza and movie night and it was very low key. 

On Christmas Eve morning, we woke up slowly and started prepping for Christmas Eve dinner with my family. The girls played and hung out while Will and I did a few last minute errands, cleaned a little and did a few things around the house. Once my family got there- we exchanged gifts and ate soup and appetizers. So good!

While we were opening presents, my mom got a phone call from my aunt saying that our Grandpa's wife (my Grandma Joan passed away a few years ago and he remarried recently) had passed away that day. Although my girls and I were not close to Brenda, our hearts still ache for her and especially my Grandpa. Our thoughts continue to be with my Grandpa and her family during this time. 

Attack of Odin =)

A pretty darn good view 

 Grandma and her girls 

No big deal, just doing some headstands =)

It was a wonderful evening but also a good reminder to always be thankful and that we are blessed with each new day. Always, always.

 We set out cookies for Santa and reindeer food in the front lawn and tucked the girls into bed. Once they were fast asleep, it was time for the fun! Will and I got the girls' stockings stuffed and set out Santa gifts before settling into bed ourselves. 

Christmas morning arrived and we all ran downstairs to see if Santa found our new house. Of course he did and the girls were so excited about the gifts that he left! 

We finished opening presents from us and then started breakfast while the girls played. Sophia stubbed her toe on our kitchen barstool and of course that was the worst. thing. ever. too. She survived though and  the rest of the day was spent playing with all of their new toys.

We clean up pretty nice 

Notice the photobomber over my head? 

Will's family arrived later that afternoon and so we exchanged gifts and then began prepping for personal homemade pizzas. So yummy! After that, the girls headed up for bed and declared it THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER! 

Mama bird taking care of her Hatchimal 

Pie Face game is SO. MUCH. FUN!

Ending the night with hot chocolate in our new personalized mugs! 

Yesterday (Monday) was so nice to just relax and hang out. We played a lot of games and this mama didn't change out of her pajamas. When I finally got around to thinking I should get dressed, I looked at the clock and thought better. =) 

I definitely wasn't ready to return to work but am looking forward to another long weekend! I'll be back on Friday to share my top 16 FAVORITE moments of 2016! 

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and you got to spend it with your favorite people. For some of you, the holidays are a difficult time and my heart is with you too.