Showing posts with label november. Show all posts
Showing posts with label november. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Weekend Recap and November Goals

How many things can I squeeze into just one post?! That's how I feel anyway as I'm trying to put this post together. I have so many updates- Sophia's school play, pumpkin carving/painting, Halloween night, and a new month! 

First things first:
Sophia's school play. Nothing melts my heart more than seeing this girl at school. We've overcome some obstacles and there are some days that we are still trying to hurdle over them but overall, Sophia's transition to Kindergarten has been great. It's all worth it seeing this smiling face, singing and dancing with her teachers and friends.

Because us Scholteses like to be busier than busy- we headed to Jordan Creek Thursday night and had dinner. Major mom fail- it was Trick or Treat there and I had no idea! So- a little extra bonus, the girls got some candy even though they didn't have costumes. After dinner, we headed home and carved/painted pumpkins! The girls have an absolute blast and this year we even broke out the glitter! You all know how glitter clean up goes- I am still finding rogue pieces today.

Friday night was Beggar's Night in our town. It took a few houses before both girls got the hang of it. They caught on pretty quickly that when we say, "Trick or Treat!" you get a piece of candy. #aintnofools

Our local fire department comes to our neighborhood every year and hands out candy too!

We ended the night with pizza, of course.

Saturday was rainy and cold. We started the morning off pretty lazily and then ran a few errands. We all spent quiet time in the basement, watching movies. It was pretty blissful. After we all came to, we decided to head to the mall and let the girls run off some steam. We picked up a few things and then decided to treat the girls and let them go to Build-A-Bear. It was fun until Saidey decided SHE wanted to type the information on the computer and did NOT need mommy's help. If I even so much as attempted to push a key on the keyboard or help in anyway, a fit ensued. All was better after the nice employee offered a cool sticker.

Do any of your kids do this? The moment she heard Will and I discussing that we wanted to sell this train set, it was the FIRST thing she wanted to play with. Imagine that!

I love coloring! I can't wait to start!

Sunday was BEAUTIFUL out and the girls got outside a few times and ran around with Odin. Will and I worked on cleaning the carpets and cleaning up around the house a little. I'm not sure what it says about me that seeing the fresh, clean carpet lines made me giddy but hey, whatever keeps you going, #amiright?!

The girls and I made some cookies from the new American Girl cookbook. They each got their own spatulas and despite cocoa powder and flour flying out of the bowl, the cookies came out delicious and it was a fun activity for us to do together.

With clean carpets, laundry folded AND put away, and full bellies of spaghetti and chocolate whoopie pie cookies, I'd say we had a successful weekend!

And now for my November goals! I realize this is format isn't as exciting as previous month's goals but I also know that's it's waaay easier to read this way! You can check out my other month's goals here, herehere, and here.

1. Eye appointment/haircut (scheduled for THIS Friday!)
2.) Arrange a play date for Sophia
3.) Start Christmas lists/shopping!!
4.) Finish my blog post about gratitude
5.) Brainstorm new blog post ideas

And that's it! Here's to a great, new month and new beginnings!