Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Sit Still, Look Pretty

Some of favorite and most meaningful conversations with Sophia happen... in the car. On the way to and from school- we talk about everything from her day, to more serious topics- like endangered species ( the birth of our local zoo's rhino spurred this conversation). Sometimes, we listen to music and just the other day, this song was playing:

It should have come to no surprise when she asked what "the lady singing" meant. " So, we talked about how it doesn't matter how pretty you are on the outside, that what really matters is what kind of person you are on the inside. We talked about how someone can be really pretty on the outside but be really mean and not a good friend. She then told me that princesses are SO pretty AND they're good friends. So, we talked about how princesses try to do their best, work hard and speak up for what's right. We talked about how you can do ALL of these things as a girl.

She loves to get "fancy" but I want to teach her the importance of being kind, too

Then, I tried to explain to her that some people think girls should just be quiet and only look pretty. I told her that there are some people who think girls shouldn't get to do what boys do and that they shouldn't speak up for what's right. I went on to say that some people only expect girls to look pretty but not do anything else. I told her it's more important to be LOUD and NOT just sit still when things are happening around us that we aren't comfortable with. This concept was a little harder for her to grasp but I could just see the wheels turning in her head.

I absolutely love and cherish these little conversations we have together! There are days that Will does the drop offs and pick ups and I have to be honest as nice as it sometimes is to have a quiet ride home, nothing beats these car ride conversations. Nothing.

So, when she turns into a pubescent teen, I'll just make her go for a long car ride with me! =)

Happy Thursday! I'll be back tomorrow sharing my FAVORITE moments of the week!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Celebrating 7 Years of Marriage

Happy Monday y'all! We spent the entire weekend finishing packing as we are down to 4 DAYS UNTIL WE MOVE!! WOO HOO! 

Today, Will and I celebrate 7 years of marriage. We've bought a townhome, had two kids, had job changes. graduated and enrolled in master's programs, and through it all- it's been you and me, me and you. You can read all about how we met here and another post, about the things I would tell myself about marriage. 

In four days, we move to a new home and we will be making new memories. It's a new start and a new era we will be embarking upon and I can't wait to do it all with you. 

Happy Anniversary and here's to many more years! 

Join me back here sometime next week ( I say sometime because I can't make any promises) for my first home tour post! My goal is to highlight a room and share how we've decorated it! 

Have a great week! 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Happy 5th Birthday Sophia Rose


I mean, can you say love at first sight? 

Oh, the day has come. The day that I have been anticipating for a few weeks now. The day my first born, my baby, turns 5. It's a big day. I absolutely can't believe she has been in our lives for 5 years and that I am a mom to a 5 year old!!! A five year old!!! Crazy!! And with that, comes the reminder of time. That time is fleeting. Time flies. As she gets older, so do I.

How can five years seem to have flown by but when I look at newborn pictures of her, those times seem so very long ago? I want to remember each stage and emblazon them to memory. I want to remember her at each stage and every "I love you" and "One more hug, Mommy." Words can't really describe how I feel as she turns another year older. It seems this age, 5, though has a whole different meaning. She will soon go off to Kindergarten and my heart starts beating a little quicker at just the thought of her being in the same building as BIG 5th graders. 

Sophia is growing up to be one of the most insightful, thoughtful, inquisitive, affectionate and kind little girls I've ever known. She may be small but boy does she pack some punch with a BIG personality that is sensitive, strong willed, full of spunk and sass and most of all, one of the biggest hearts ever. I hope those things never change about her. Even the strong willed side.

Sophia is 1! 

Sophia is 2! 

Sophia is 3!

Sophia is FOUR!

Last year, I asked Sophia a set of questions and this year decided to record her answers.. pretty hilarious if I do say so myself ! And to see past birthday posts:

Apparently, her 2nd and 3rd birthday I was taking a hiatus on the blog!