Showing posts with label introduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label introduction. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday: Intro and Resolutions

Hey friends! I know I just recapped our weekend in a post last night but I came across this fun deal and would like to link up with one of my most favorite blogs, Momfessionals

Today, we are introducing or reintroducing ourselves and sharing our resolutions. Here goes! 

I'm Shay (29)

Wife to William (31)
 Will, WM more commonly referenced to on the blog.  And yes, anytime I can document that he is older than I am, I do. =)

Mama to Sophia (5), Saidey (2.5) and Fur Baby Odin (6 mos)

By day I'm an addiction and mental health therapist working with kiddos, teens and adults. 

By night, I like to blog, write, read and binge on Netflix and junky reality TV. 

Other posts about me:

I'm not big into making New Year's resolutions but I did choose ONE word for 2016- peace. I chose peace after a lot of reflection because it encompasses a lot. For me, it means a multitude of characteristics that I hope to emulate, create, and integrate into my whole life. Pray for peace. Peace within myself, peace for myself and peace to be intertwined into all that I do, my relationships and how I live it out daily. 

Thanks for stopping by today!