Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2018

Weekend Recap: Pumpkin Patch Edition

We had such a great weekend, I couldn't let it go undocumented- and because I was definitely on the verge of over doing it on Instagram! =) 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Life Lately

It's been awhile since I've posted so I thought I'd do a life lately post.... we've been doing all the Fall things and trying to catch up with Iowa's weather... summer one day, winter cold the next.

So, here's a little life lately!!

We hit our 1 year of living in our home- can't believe it's been a year already! It seems like it went fast yet, like we've lived here all along!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Top 10 Summer Memories

This post was supposed to happen last week  last month, but didn't. Our week last week felt so OFF although I couldn't put my finger on it. I was off for sure, forgetful and feeling like I was running around like a chicken with its head chopped off. At least I still have 4 days left of Summer so technically this post isn't too late!    Ya got me, I'm officially late But now that it's officially FALL- I wanted to be sure to share these memories! 

I thought I'd round up some of my favorite memories from Summer-- It feels redundant to say but WHERE DID THE SUMMER GO, GUYS?!?! I swear, we were JUST planning our trip to Florida the other day. Anyway, here are our TOP 10 favorite moments/memories. I asked everybody what their favorites were and we compiled this list!!

Monday, June 26, 2017

Doing Disney in Just Over One Day

In the beginning of June, our family had the opportunity to go to Walt Disney World. Our primary plan was to visit my grandparents but we also thought it would be fun to take a day or two to explore Florida. Our options were narrowed down between Disney and staying at a hotel and doing a few beach days. We ultimately decided to do Disney and once we decided that, planning was in full mode! Because we knew we would have limited time, we knew how important it would be to plan, plan, and plan!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Our Florida Adventure

We're back from Florida and what a fun time we all had! I thought a week would be too long but boy, was I wrong! The week absolutely FLEW by and we had the best time with our family!

I'll be sharing a post later in the week specifically about our Disney adventure, so be on the lookout for that!

Monday, April 3, 2017

A Magical Unicorn 4th Birthday Party

Happy Monday friends! I'm finally posting about Saidey's birthday party! It was a super fun day and my lack of pictures shows that. Some of the pictures aren't the best but the joy and happiness shows through. =)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday: My Loves

Happy Valentine's Day friends! Whether you celebrate this day or not, it's hard not to get a little into all the hearts, red, and pink, is it not?! I absolutely love celebrating a holiday and Valentine's Day is no exception! I am linking up with Momfessionals today to re-introduce to you all my loves of my life. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

Weekend Recap

I've somehow fallen off the blogging train and my weekend recaps happen less and less. So, I thought what the heck and threw one together at last minute. 

Our weekend was nice and slow without any real plans. The next few weekends that will change so we're soaking it up for right now. 

We got home Friday night, ready to settle in and have Friday night pizza night and watch the Trolls. We realized that we left Saidey's blanket at daycare. Oh the horror. Seriously guys. This was her face when she finally grasped that we left it at school and could not get it until Monday. I know it was probably mean to take a picture when her world was ending but I just couldn't stop myself. All was well when we headed upstairs to find a suitable replacement. But she did not forget the entire weekend that we forgot her blanket. #momfail

We watched Trolls and the girls had pepperoni pizza and Will and I had taco pizza from Casey's- YUMMO! 

The girls thought it would be a good idea to wake up at the wee crack of dawn (ok, 6:30) and so we let them watch cartoons while we tried to get a little more rest. 

Once we arose from our slumber, we headed downstairs for breakfast and MORE TROLLS. We had an Office Depot and DSW run to do and so we got ready to go! 

She has been LOVING getting her dolls dressed and today- TWINNING! 

Saturday's weather was GLORIOUS! Is it really only February!? At any rate, a trip to Starbucks was in order! 

 Strawberry refresher with almond milk! My go to drink! 

We ran to my mom's and hung out for a bit and then stopped at an awesome BBQ place that's a little hole in the wall. Their mac and cheese? So good and creamy! And the BEST cornbread topped with honey.. Yes MA'AM! 

We had a quiet rest of the day, ending the night with Walking Dead. Have you guys seen it? For some reason, we are just now getting into it and started Season 3 this weekend. 

On Sunday we played hooky from church and we all slept in. (Oops). We got ready after sending Will on a donut run and then got ready for a Target run.

Ready for TARGET! 

Once we got home, we started working on Valentine's! 


And then the girls spent the rest of the afternoon playing

Sophia loves her Lego's too. We have a permanent spot set up in our dining room of a table for just Lego's. We set it up one weekend and haven't taken it down. 

I'm not sure why we thought we needed to move- the girls have their own bedrooms now and a playroom in the basement and still seem to play in anywhere BUT those areas. 

Will had to go into work for a few hours so it was just the girls and me. We cleaned out the fridge for dinner and ran to Dairy Queen for a treat. We ran home and it was baths, books and bed. I settled in for the night and watched the Grammy's. By 10:30 though, I had to hit the sack. 

We have a fun week- tomorrow, of course is Valentine's Day- I took the afternoon off to help at Sophia's party and then we're going to have a special family Valentine's dinner. On Saturday, Sophia starts piano lessons and is so excited! I can't wait for her to begin learning and playing! 

Happy Monday all! 


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

What's Up Wednesday

Hey friends! Happy Wednesday! Hope the week is treating you all well! I'm linking up with Mix and Match Mama to bring you What's Up Wednesday- one of my MOST favorite link ups!! 

What we're eating
Monday: Breakfast for dinner
Tuesday: Noodles and Company for the girls
Wednesday: Crock pot chicken sliders
Thursday: Hamburger soup
Friday: Friday Night Pizza Night

What I'm reading....
Jodi Picoult "Small Great Things" 
I can't recommend this book enough! It's a great read and the stories of the characters are mesmerizing. 
Also on my "to read list" 

What I'm looking forward to...
I can't believe I'm saying this but SNOW! Iowa weather has been wonky and we haven't seen a drop of snow since before Christmas and even that was measly for Iowa. We're supposed to have MAYBE 2 inches by tomorrow morning, we shall see. We either need to get dumped on soon or just move right into Spring. 
Edited to add: No snow. BOO Iowa, you're killing me! 
What I'm loving...
Chrissy Teigen's cookbook. OMG. Guys. I have tried several recipes from this cookbook and not ONE recipe has disappointed. Our favorites have been: chicken lettuce wraps, chicken pot pie soup and biscuits and gravy. To die for. I will add that most of her recipes take a bit longer so we usually make them during the weekends, when we have more time. Also, lotsa buttta involved in some of the recipes. Not that I'm complaining. =)

Armadillo cheese bread. One word: YUM

What we've been up to...
A whole lot of this...

What I'm watching...

My favorites: Vanessa, Danielle M, and Raven

What I'm excited about...
February festivities (Valentine's Day and celebrating my mom and sister's birthdays!)
What I'm working on...
A magical unicorn 4th Birthday party
See my Pinterest inspiration here

Valentine's for the girls' school
See my Valentine's Day Pinterest board here..
Getting my office set up! We're officially in our new space and it's so exciting to see things taking shape! My couch and chairs arrived last weekend. I am still on the hunt for a desk and decor. Things are coming together and I'm so tickled about it! 
Click here to see my website 

What I'm listening to....
Ed Sheeran- "Shape of you"
What I'm wearing....

So, tell me... What's up with you?! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas Recap

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday! Ours was filled with family, love, bleeding fingers/toes and whipped cream (more on that below)! 

This year, we were blessed for family that made the trip to see us and so we didn't have to travel anywhere. We had a lot of downtime, just the four of us to unwind and prepare for guests. When guests arrived it was nothing short of a good time with everyone. 

On Friday, Saidey started the day like this 

and ended the day like this: 

Poor thing shut her finger in a door and it was the worst. thing. ever. Poor baby girl. It was pretty swollen and sore to the touch, and we're pretty sure she's going to lose her finger nail. 

Friday night was pizza and movie night and it was very low key. 

On Christmas Eve morning, we woke up slowly and started prepping for Christmas Eve dinner with my family. The girls played and hung out while Will and I did a few last minute errands, cleaned a little and did a few things around the house. Once my family got there- we exchanged gifts and ate soup and appetizers. So good!

While we were opening presents, my mom got a phone call from my aunt saying that our Grandpa's wife (my Grandma Joan passed away a few years ago and he remarried recently) had passed away that day. Although my girls and I were not close to Brenda, our hearts still ache for her and especially my Grandpa. Our thoughts continue to be with my Grandpa and her family during this time. 

Attack of Odin =)

A pretty darn good view 

 Grandma and her girls 

No big deal, just doing some headstands =)

It was a wonderful evening but also a good reminder to always be thankful and that we are blessed with each new day. Always, always.

 We set out cookies for Santa and reindeer food in the front lawn and tucked the girls into bed. Once they were fast asleep, it was time for the fun! Will and I got the girls' stockings stuffed and set out Santa gifts before settling into bed ourselves. 

Christmas morning arrived and we all ran downstairs to see if Santa found our new house. Of course he did and the girls were so excited about the gifts that he left! 

We finished opening presents from us and then started breakfast while the girls played. Sophia stubbed her toe on our kitchen barstool and of course that was the worst. thing. ever. too. She survived though and  the rest of the day was spent playing with all of their new toys.

We clean up pretty nice 

Notice the photobomber over my head? 

Will's family arrived later that afternoon and so we exchanged gifts and then began prepping for personal homemade pizzas. So yummy! After that, the girls headed up for bed and declared it THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER! 

Mama bird taking care of her Hatchimal 

Pie Face game is SO. MUCH. FUN!

Ending the night with hot chocolate in our new personalized mugs! 

Yesterday (Monday) was so nice to just relax and hang out. We played a lot of games and this mama didn't change out of her pajamas. When I finally got around to thinking I should get dressed, I looked at the clock and thought better. =) 

I definitely wasn't ready to return to work but am looking forward to another long weekend! I'll be back on Friday to share my top 16 FAVORITE moments of 2016! 

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and you got to spend it with your favorite people. For some of you, the holidays are a difficult time and my heart is with you too.