Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crafts. Show all posts

Monday, November 9, 2015

Weekend Recap

Hello Monday! And hello friends! I've said it before and I'll say it again- the weekends just seem to FLYYYY by lately! 

We had another great weekend, full of hide and seek, baking and crafts! 

Friday night, was mommy time. I got a haircut, picked up beer and pizza and headed to a co- workers house for a little work get together. We played a wildly inappropriate card game and laughed way too hard. It was perfect. 
The girls and Will obviously had pizza too, as it was Friday Night Pizza Night.

On Saturday, Will thought breakfast pizza sounded good and that means only one thing- CASEY'S FAMOUS BREAKFAST PIZZA! Yummm! So we set out to get pizza, coffee and doughnuts.

We came home to stuff our faces and then got ready for a matinee. We decided to go to the Peanuts movie. I live for movie theater popcorn but the movie was only "eh." It had some cute/funny parts but I found myself looking at my watch wondering when it would be over a few times. It kept the girls attention so I guess that's all that matters! PS- you know what's hard about taking kids to a movie? When you chose middle seats and your two year old has to go potty, not once, but twice in the middle of the movie. Sigh.

The one time Saidey posed for a picture

After the movie, I dropped the two gals and guy off at home and picked up my sister to go see my mom and Aunt Teri at a craft show where my aunt was selling her caramels. If you are looking for a great, edible holiday gift- check her website out! She makes flavors from bacon to red wine- delicious! And the packaging itself is super cute! GREAT idea for teacher gifts, too!

Saturday night was pretty low key as we grabbed food to go and ate at home. We relaxed after the girls went to bed with a little Gilmore Girls (yes, WM watches it with me- he pretends he doesn't like it but don't let him fool you.)

Sunday was slow and easy just like Sundays should be. We played hide and seek and played Lego soccer and watched movies. I got the girls started with a craft project and then snuck out to a lunch date with a friend. William thought I planned to do that but really, it was just bad timing. He ended doing a fabulous job at helping them with their fabric wrapped bangle bracelets. =)

Such hard decisions as a 5 year old

Saidey needs a little improvement on her hiding skills. We all need to start somewhere, I suppose. Sophia is behind the gate.

When I got back, I picked the crew up and we headed to the grocery store. Saidey was in a questioning mood and pointed at every single fruit, vegetable and boxed item, asking "What that?" And then repeating my answer.

After we got home and hauled the groceries in, we started baking cookies. Sophia picked out pinwheel cookies and so we set to work. The girls helped and then while they were baking, we watched Rapunzel that was showing on TV.

I even had dishwashers! 

This sight melted my heart 

After dinner, baths and both girls were tucked in, Will and I ended the night, with yes, another episode (or two) of Gilmore Girls. He's probably going to have to swear off Gilmore Girls from now on since I've announced he watches it with me on the world wide web. =)

That was our weekend! Hope you enjoyed yours and have a great MONDAY!