Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2016

Helping Children Cope with Change

I will be the first to admit, I don't usually like change. I know, I know, change is good. Change is growth. And usually, even though I might not like it, I try to embrace it and go with it. But sometimes, change elicits anxiety, worry and a little FREAKING out on my end. I may or may not have passed this trait to my eldest- Sophia. Bless her heart. She is like me in so many ways, the bad and good. And she is with me on the whole change thing. Sophia was the one kid who at the end of her Kindergarten year was actually bummed out. She didn't want to leave Kindergarten or her teacher. Don't let the smiles fool you- when talking to her about going to 1st grade, she still gets all gloomy and sad. She's always been a- dip her toe in before jumping in- kind of gal- she takes after my own heart. Saidey- on the other hand- jumps first and then thinks about it. With two ends of the spectrum, I've found that either way, there are some things I can do to ease them both into change.

1.) Talk about the Change

Now, with this, there is a certain balance you have to find here. I've found that sometimes you can actually invoke MORE anxiety by preparing TOO far ahead of time, so you have to find the right time. Kids have a hard time with the concept of time so starting to prep them for an event or change occurring far into the future can actually backfire on you (trust- me I've got personal experience). You live and learn, right?! When we decided that Sophia would do KidsWest this Summer and Fall, we planted the seed when we decided by asking her thoughts on it. After that, we didn't speak anything of it until a few weeks before Summer break. We talked about not going to Audra's anymore and that she would instead, go to KidsWest. For Saidey, we started talking about her "new" school.

2.) Preparation

So, now that you've started talking about the change, you can start preparing for the change. We do this in a couple of ways and depending on the type of change. Some helpful tips are to take them to the new place (childcare, school, house, etc). We toured Saidey's new child care center with her and this time we weren't able to but if you can, ask the child care provider if you can spend an afternoon there with your kiddo to ease the transition, too. For Sophia- we drove to the building she would be spending the Summer in. If I was thinking ahead, I would have also requested information about the staff, so she knew their names, too.

3.) Visuals

Sometimes, visuals are so helpful! Showing pictures of a house, building or school are helpful in that they provide the children with a tangible visual surrounding the change. My sister recently moved to Chicago and so when explaining her move, we showed Sophia where Chicago is on a map. If and whenever we decide to move, we will show the girls pictures of the new house.

4.) Comfort Items

When transitioning to the unfamiliar, sometimes bringing something familiar eases change and transition, too. Depending on your kiddo's disposition, a comfort item may be helpful. Whether it's a favorite blanket or stuffed animal or even a picture, these items can significantly ease the uncomfortableness that can be change.

5.) Routine

Lastly, routine is so important. Quite often, change disrupts our normal routines. Getting back into a routine as quickly as possible can help ease the change, too. Prepping kids by sharing what that routine is and then following it (obviously allowing for flexibility, too) helps them regain consistency and assurance that things will be ok.

End of Day 1 of a new child care center and school age summer program was a SUCCESS! 

So, there ya have it! My 5 tips for helping your kiddos' cope with change. What would you add? 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

FIVE Might Just Be My Favorite Age Yet

Our family has made it through the baby stage, toddler stage, and even the terrible three's stage fairly unscathed. I was a little worried as Sophia entered grade school and felt a little like we were entering uncharted territory. Most of my education/experience is in early childhood and so I felt like I didn't have a lot of experience with those yucky school agers. I felt a little nervous entering this stage of our lives. Well, guys I am here to tell you- I'm not sure what all the nerves were all about because age 5 is one of my favorite ages we've hit so far!

You may need to remind me of these sentiments six months from now, but we're almost in month four of being 5 and it's a pretty darn exciting time. Here are just a few reasons why:

 Increased independence
Sophia has always been very independent but in the last six months, her independence has shot through the roof. Home girl gets out her own clothes, gets dressed in the morning and knows the routine like a well synchronized swimmer. No longer do I have to provide a play by play of the routine which helps me immensely with our morning/night routines. Oh and did I mention she gets in and out of the car by herself too?! Hallelujah!

No longer is silence questionable 
We all know that with a toddler, silence is no good. It means something suspicious is happening and you better find said toddler before you end up with a whole box of tissues pulled out of its box. Or worse. But with Sophia- I know that when she is quiet she is fully immersed in an activity. She goes up to her room and plays by herself or with Saidey. With her, I can say silence is golden. :)

Sophia and I have had some of our best talks in the car after daycare/school. But I tell you, the conversations we have now are generally reciprocal, inquisitive and enjoyable. Every once in awhile they veer off into nonsensical directions, proving she is still, just a typical five year old but conversations are definitely getting better as she gets older. =)

Improved sense of humor
Sophia is a girl with quite the humor and has recently been into telling Knock Knock Jokes. Do they always make sense? No. Are they always funny? No. Do they sometimes involve bodily functions? Yup. But hey, we all gotta start somewhere.

Second pair of eyes 
Now, I know why I had a second child! So my first child can keep an eye on her and let me know when she is about to eat the dog food. Or crumble her cereal on the floor and then proceed to smash it into the carpet. Sophia is my second pair of eyes and let's me know in advance, when Saidey is about to get into some shenanigans. 

Cuteness overload
Ok fine, she is still oh so cute. If you know me, you know how much I love baby feet, toes, and fingers. And their smell?! Pure bliss. Well, when they don't have a dirty diaper, that is. Even though Sophia is losing her chubby, baby cheeks and kissable toes, she is still cute as a button.

See what I mean?! Ca-uuutte!

Sophia's school play went wonderful. I will post some pics/videos that you can check out on Monday. We broke her out of school early and of course what's a skip day without going to Target?!

After Target, we picked Saidey up and spent the afternoon playing Play-Doh. We met Will for dinner at Panera and headed home to carve/paint pumpkins.

We have a slow weekend and I can't wait for it. That's it for today- have a great Friday!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Father Figure

This was another post that has been on my radar but didn’t have the nerve to put pen to paper. Fingers to keyboard. But in light of Father’s Day coming up this weekend, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to share a little about the father figures in my life.

Sophia and WM at the Iowa Cubs game last summer

Some of you may know that the man who I called “dad” for most of my life- is technically my step dad. When I was in 2nd grade, my (adoptive) dad relinquished parental rights so that my step dad could adopt me. (I won’t get started with the mental/emotional implications this has had ☺ )  I will admit, it was a highly confusing time for me and I honestly didn’t quite grasp the meaning of it all. But eventually my step dad became my dad and has been as close to what I call a father figure for most of my life. 

Even after my parents divorced (around middle school age) he still remained a strong presence in my life. I never felt like I was treated any different than my sister- his biological daughter. However due to events that occurred during elementary school, a little less than two years ago, I decided to remove him from my life. The combination of having kids and getting in touch with my own emotions and thoughts provoked this decision. I am still coming to terms and healing from those events and I felt I could not continue to do that if he was in my life. 

Father's Day 2014
I shared how I like to put on a good face and appear as if everything is perfect in my life so imagine how this decision shook that image up. It’s not all that uncommon to hear about divorce anymore but what about not having a dad in your life at all? What would that do to my image of having it all, of having a perfect life? I still don’t quite know and I’ve only recently started to casually mention that my dad is no longer in my life. I share this little morsel of information with little to no emotion, almost as if I’m ordering a coffee at Starbucks; but even that is probably said with more emotion that what I convey to people when I tell them my dad is no longer in my life. 

Recently, other series of events have left my faith in a so called father figure in crumbles. When someone who you finally trust and believe in- lets you down, lets your kids down, lets your family down- it changes the way you think about men and people in general. For me- it was another example of how men can’t be trusted and how they don’t stick around for long. 

Fun at the zoo 
I try to remember, especially in light of these recent events that there ARE great, wonderful, trustworthy, reliable men out there. Fortunately, some of these men ARE still in my life and I HAVE to focus on that. To Will- who has proven to be a wonderful husband and father, to his father, my father in law, to my grandfathers. 

So, on this Father’s Day- THESE are the men I will celebrate. These are the men who have and will continue to make a positive impact on my views on men and fathers. 

I also want to extend a Father’s Day to all the fathers who are in it, day in and day out. You rock! ☺ 

WM and Sophia on the ferris wheel at the IA State Fair

Also, has anyone else notice that WM's favorite shirt to wear is a blue v-neck?! I mean, you'd think these pictures were all from the same day! 

Happy Weekend all! 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

It's Friday, Friday, Gotta Get Down on Friday

Can you tell that I'm excited it's Friday?!  So excited that I'm singing that awful song by Rebecca Black. Yikes. This post is gonna be short and sweet and those that are annoyed by mom's who brag about their kids should probably exit now. :)

For those of you who follow this blog, and read through my ramblings on this post and this post and this one, you have heard about the struggles we have had since entering the school system. So, today when we watched our sweet girl, dancing and singing in her Pre-K celebration, I couldn't help but feel a huge burst of pride. When I realized that our sweet girl is no longer our baby but a soon to be Kindergartner, I was met with a huge mix of emotions. Sad, happy, relieved to name a few. Mix those emotions with pictures being played with music = one blubbering mama.

"The days of laughter and fun will never be forgotten, these are the days!"
Words can't describe how proud I am of Sophia and the progress she has made. Regardless of my feelings toward the school or the teachers, I know at the end of the day, we all want what is best for Sophia and for her to be successful. I am truly thankful for the teachers and other staff members who have made this year what it has been for Sophia and despite some of the struggles, frustrations it was all worth it to be there for her celebration today. I can feel secure in our decision to sending her onto Kindergarten knowing she has the tools to do great.

All good things must come to an end. It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to those friends who are going on to the next phase in life. GOOD LUCK KINDERGARTNERS!

And cue crying mom. 

This weekend is pretty low key- I am running in the Dam to Dam 5K on Saturday and then on Sunday we have a graduation party to attend out of town. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I'll be back on Monday, talking about some of my June goals! 

First and last day of Pre-K

"When I want to grow up I want to be a babysitter."
*When I asked her about this, she said, "I wanted it to say Mommy but they didn't understand!" *

Getting her "diploma" from Ms. Amanda

Look at this cool hat, Mom!

Class of 2028
Lunch date with the Kindergartner!