Showing posts with label Show and Tell Tuesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Show and Tell Tuesday. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday: My Loves

Happy Valentine's Day friends! Whether you celebrate this day or not, it's hard not to get a little into all the hearts, red, and pink, is it not?! I absolutely love celebrating a holiday and Valentine's Day is no exception! I am linking up with Momfessionals today to re-introduce to you all my loves of my life. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday: Want, Need, Wear, Read

I'm linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals for Show and Tell Tuesday! I haven't linked up in a while and I thought this was short, sweet and to the point! These following items are on MY list!

I feel so greedy because I couldn't narrow this down to just one thing (monkey covering eyes emoji) but if there was one thing I wanted, it would be a vacation. I am getting the itch for travel again! After our trip to Italy, it was SO good to get home. But the itch begins again...


A laptop computer for some work I'll be doing outside of work. The big decision is whether I go with an Apple which I have for personal use or a windows? We have windows for work now so I'm not sure if I should just stick to that for all work purposes or not. I'm keeping my eye on Black Friday deals to see what I can get! 



I ordered these pants from Old Navy a few weeks ago and I just put them on today. And guys. I'm in absolute love. They're like butter. So smooth and warm. I've just been rubbing my legs all morning! =) I think I need another pair in black! 


This book is sitting on my Nook but I haven't started reading it yet. 

This one is next in life after that:

As always, thanks for joining me today! And share with me- what's on your list for want, need, wear, and read?! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday: FAVORITE Blog Posts

Hey Tuesday! It's been awhile since I linked up with Andrea for Show and Tell Tuesday but here I am this week! =)

I've spent the last 24 hours learning about the right/left brain, bilateral stimulation, butterfly hugs, and processing that my brain feels like mush right now. This next post seemed like the perfect fit for a brain that doesn't really want to think too hard right now. I'm sharing my FAVORITE posts, EVER. It's been so fun looking back and reading through old posts and I  can't wait to share some of my absolute favorites. Some are very lighthearted and fun and some, more serious. Enjoy! Happy Tuesday y'all!

PS- We're down to 10 days till we move!!! (insert squeals!!!!!)

My 30th birthday was this August, I loved making a list of the things I've learned so far!
30 Things I've Learned in 30 Years 

I reflect on how my career choice has impacted other areas of my life- specifically parenting
5 Ways Being a Therapist Has Impacted My Parenting

Our 7th anniversary is coming right around the corner.. I love this post where I talk about all the ways Will wins my heart over each and every day

Show and Tell Tuesday: How to Win My Heart 

And the things I would tell myself about marriage... 

And sharing deep, dark confessions of mine.. =)

Owning My Crazy

A post about my struggles with perfectionism


A post that questions if we can "have it all."

Having it All

A few posts about my journey with breastfeeding

If They're Too Old To Ask For It, They're Too Old 

All Done 

My thoughts on being adopted

National Adoption Month 2015

There are just a few of my favorite posts! As always thanks for visiting! Now excuse me while I go pack!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday: My Life's Mix Tape

I'm linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals and sharing my life's mix tape. This was such a fun trip down memory lane!

First up, my first CD's EVER! I remember, laying on my bed, just belting these songs out. LOVE THEM. 

Jewel- Pieces of You

Deanna Carter- Strawberry Wine, We Danced Anyway! Oh, take me back to those days!

Oh and who can forget Shania Twain's- Any Man of Mine

And of course, Mariah Carey. This song was everything to me in 5th grade... 

And do you remember these!?

And you can't have a mix tape without boy bands:

Of course, N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, and 98' make this list. Oh, so good. I remember also, in 5th grade, SPICE GIRLS! 

In high school, I remember sitting around the lunchroom tables and singing this one (Megan, for some reason, all I can see is your face, I can't remember who else was there?).. My mom would be so proud.

And it wouldn't be high school without USHER

And of course, Nelly

And then I bring to you, my college years:

 I could probably go on and on.


Because, don't tell me you don't just wanna get up and DANCE when you hear it?!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday- How to Win My Heart

Hey Friends! I almost missed Show and Tell Tuesday!! It's a snow day here though, so I actually have time to work on a blog post for once! I'm linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals and today we're sharing the way to our hearts- just in time for Valentine's Day! 

There are a lot of ways to my heart... like a big cup of coffee with creamer. Or, the Target One Stop. But since Valentine's Day is approaching, it's all about this guy, right here! You can read our love story here. :) 

In September, we celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. However, we've been together since I was 18 and he was 20, so we've grown and changed and it's all been together. I couldn't ask for a better guy to do life with! He wins my heart over each and every day.

*He can tell when I've had a bad day and orders me to take a bath, eat a cookie, or anything else that he knows will relax me

*He knows all my orders at my favorite restaurants, including coffee at Starbucks

*He forgives my obsession with Target

*He watches total girly shows, like Real Housewives, Gilmore Girls with me and doesn't complain (too much)

*He is the best gift buyer- he will remember things I've pointed out casually and then surprise me with them later

*He listens to my incessant babbling about making a decision and nods his head in encouragement even though he wishes I would make a decision already! 

*He loves to cook and on the rare occasion he gets home from work in time, he always jumps in the kitchen to help make supper or take over for me

*Watching his rough and tumble but oh so caring and gentle ways with the girls is a sure way into my heart, every time

*He pretends he doesn't notice when a box from Anthropologie or Nordstrom shows up at our door, twice in one week 

Alright guys, tell me how to win over your heart?! Share in the comments below! 

Happy Tuesday! 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday: Momfessional Moments

Hey friends! Today, I'm linking up with Andrea- over at Momfessionals to share my "Momfessional Moments." And oh boy- I have a bunch but here are just a few for your reading pleasure. 

The Animal Book
I LOVE reading with my kiddos. Reading before bed has been a part of the night time routine since they were babies. Reading is such an important part of my life that I knew when I had kids, I wanted to pass that down to them. Each night, the girls get to pick a book out (sometimes more =) ) and Saidey has been picking THE SAME BOOK OUT FOR MONTHS. And it doesn't even have words. It's just pictures. And she points and we exclaim, "Koala!" UGH... I've "accidentally" hidden it under her bed so she couldn't find it and we've had to read another one. Or I've skipped several pages. But she always catches on. #quicklearner, that one! Sorry Saidey! 

The infamous animal book....

Did I mention it was a gift for WM in 1991?

Sophia loves art. She puts one mark on a paper and declares it art and it gets sent home in her backpack. I mean, who am I to say what is and what isn't artwork? But the girl brings home at least 2-5 papers of "art" each day. Needless to say, I will stealthily and ninja like creep to the garbage and stuff the papers all the way down to the bottom. One time, I didn't do this- and what a mistake that was! Sophia was all like, "Mooooom, why did you throw my artwork away?!" And I was all, "Oh no! I did???? I'm SOOOO sorry, it must have gotten mixed up by mistake." While inside I'm all, "DANGIT, I didn't push it far enough down!" 

Get dirty to stay clean
Saidey eats off the floor. She runs out of the bathroom like a wild woman without washing her hands sometimes (cringe) and I sometimes don't catch it. (or I'm too tired to chase after her) We used the shopping cart cover thing one time before it got stuffed in the trunk. I don't remember the last time I sanitized toys.
I say it's all about building up the immune system! That's my excuse anyway. 

School work
Sophia doesn't get a lot of "homework" sent home. She gets "activities" that extend the work she is doing while in school. Great. But we get home at 5, sometimes 5:30 and then it's supper and bedtime routines start. Squeezing in time to work on handwriting, math, and reading is so. hard. And sometimes it just doesn't get done. And I know those of you with older kiddos probably don't have much pity for me. But homework is hard, y'all! 

I've given Saidey a plate with just a dollop of ketchup on it because she is crying for ketchup. Even though nothing on her plate goes with it. And I know she is just going to stick her finger in it and lick it off. And when she asks for more, I oblige because screaming.

Car problems
Ok guys. I like to think of myself as a pretty organized, clean person. But please don't look in my car. Oh, for the love, please don't look in my car. From Cheerios on the floor, old sippy cups with who knows what in them, to shoes, hair things and mittens/hats, it's a bomb of all kid things. 

So, there you have it, my Momfessional Moments. Please tell me I'm not the only one and share your moments below! 

Happy Tuesday! 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday: Intro and Resolutions

Hey friends! I know I just recapped our weekend in a post last night but I came across this fun deal and would like to link up with one of my most favorite blogs, Momfessionals

Today, we are introducing or reintroducing ourselves and sharing our resolutions. Here goes! 

I'm Shay (29)

Wife to William (31)
 Will, WM more commonly referenced to on the blog.  And yes, anytime I can document that he is older than I am, I do. =)

Mama to Sophia (5), Saidey (2.5) and Fur Baby Odin (6 mos)

By day I'm an addiction and mental health therapist working with kiddos, teens and adults. 

By night, I like to blog, write, read and binge on Netflix and junky reality TV. 

Other posts about me:

I'm not big into making New Year's resolutions but I did choose ONE word for 2016- peace. I chose peace after a lot of reflection because it encompasses a lot. For me, it means a multitude of characteristics that I hope to emulate, create, and integrate into my whole life. Pray for peace. Peace within myself, peace for myself and peace to be intertwined into all that I do, my relationships and how I live it out daily. 

Thanks for stopping by today!