Showing posts with label Christmas decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas decor. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Show and Tell Tuesday: Christmas Decor

Today, I'm linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals for another Show and Tell Tuesday: Christmas Decor edition! I love all things Christmas so it comes as no surprise that I love decorating for Christmas too! Since moving to the new house, it's been trial and error and picking up things here and there. We used most decorations that we had before and then have picked up additional things!

So, come inside and take a look! 

View from the entry way

Please don't see the princess wand that I forgot to move before snapping the pic!! 

Advent calendar 

I love this truck with the tree on the back so much! 

Dining room 

Crooked trees courtesy of my 6 and 3 year old =) 

Family room

We were going to put our old Christmas tree in this room but just didn't get to it and that's ok. There's always next year!

Saidey's tree in her room

Sophia's tree in her room. Sorry for the wonky lighting- her tree is silver, just like Saidey's 

So, there's our Christmas decor! 

Happy Tuesday everybody!