Happy first day of Spring peeps!! We just got back from a short visit to Omaha and this trip, I really noticed how BIG my big girls are- it was a different trip than past- both girls were really interested in reading the signs and learning more about the zoo animals, especially Sophia. We had NO meltdowns, everyone walked with minimal complaints (the most complaints came from me haha) and overall had a really great time! I always loved this idea from Momfessionals so I thought I'd share three updates for all of us!!

1. Mr. Sullivan hit the three month mark this weekend. He is almost 12 lbs. He is nursing every 2-3 hours and takes 3-4 oz. bottles every 3 hours at daycare. He is wearing 3 month clothes or 3-6 months depending on the brand.
2. He LOVES people. He LOVES when people talk to him and he just smiles and smiles. The girls were smiley and happy, too but he really tops the cake. He is just SO happy and smiley and it melts my heart (and his daycare teachers, too).
3. Sullivan has always been a squirmer- and he still is. When I'm holding him, I feel like I'm constantly having to adjust because he is kicking, or trying to turn and move all around. I can't leave him on the floor without him pivoting and squirming to a different spot. We have to be really careful now if we place him on the bed or couch because were have had one too many close calls. (and have about given this mama a heart attack with how close he has been to the edge)

1. It's almost Saidey's birthday! She will be S I X and she is catching up in height with her big sister.
2. She is getting SO big and doing some things that Sophia does so I still have to remind myself that she is still only five so she still can have her moments.
3. Saidey's reading and handwriting has taken off. In the beginning of her Kindergarten year to now- there is such a huge difference that it truly is amazing how kids pick up stuff and absorb things. She loves trying to read to us and chooses books that she has read over and over and can now read all by herself. She also has become quite good at putting things together- we were playing a game and had to set up several pieces, me- not being super detail oriented, got irritated quickly and Saidey took over and put it all together herself.

1. This girl is getting so big, sometimes it takes my breath away. She constantly amazes me everyday. She is 150% in love with her little brother and always wants to help and smother him in kisses. (sometimes needs reminded to give him space haha)
2. I shared awhile back that she no longer is on an IEP due to anxiety and this year we (I) was super nervous initially without having that safety net. She continues to just thrive and is getting more and more confident in her abilities. She continues to stick with a core group of girls from school and I love that she has been able to develop these close relationships that hopefully she will continue to have throughout her school years.
3. She continues to read, read, read. She LOVES reading and writing. She also has developed her own fashion sense and I love seeing that side of her unfold. She tells me she wants to be a fashion designer and I love that!

1. Shay- I am now a full month into my private practice and it's been a wonderful decision for our family. I'm still building my caseload so it's actually been a perfect transition from maternity leave. I feel like I'm able to work and grow professionally while still spending time with family, especially our new little guy.
2. Will- continues to be busy at work and is truly amazing at what he does. He has only been in his new role for about 6 months and has already been recognized for the work he is doing. To say I am proud of him is an understatement!
3. We are planning our 10 year anniversary. I am a little nervous because Sullivan will only be 9 months at the time so the thought of leaving him now, fills me with anxiety, but I know in 6 months, while still hard, it will be JUST fine! We decided to go to Disney World, mostly because we couldn't decide mutually on anywhere else to go- haha. We both are kids at heart so it should be the perfect place to celebrate 10 years of marriage (however, I do draw the line on wearing a 10 yr. anniversary button and being sang to by characters)