Hey everyone! It's been awhile so I thought I'd share three updates about each of us! I got this idea from Andrea at Momfessionals!

1. This girl is about to turn FIVE and we're all excited to celebrate! We are doing a donut themed party and inviting all the kids from her class (wish us well)
2. Saidey goes to an amazing child care center and they started Kindergarten Club this Spring for kiddos who will be in Kindergarten this Fall. Every Wednesday, she wears a badge and brings a folder home with "homework" in it. It is due by the next Wednesday and the goal is to get all of us ready for the possibility of homework. Saidey looks forward to this day and always wants to do her homework RIGHT NOW! Let's hope she maintains that enthusiasm later on! ;)
3. I've mentioned this before but Saidey is born for the sun and summer months. She has recently said to me often, "I miss summer, mommy, do you miss summer?" And this little fishy can't wait for pool days!!
1. Sophia is getting ready to celebrate her First Eucharist. Our weekends have been full of activities related to this event. I love our church community and the activities they provide for the kiddos. This last weekend, we went to a retreat, where the kids went in groups to different stations related to First Eucharist. A favorite part was seeing the kids act out the Last Supper and then practicing receiving communion. We have been preparing Sophia for this and as some of you may know, she has never liked bread- so we tried describing the host- that it doesn't really taste like bread, etc... She went through the line twice and did awesome! She tried the host and the wine and said it wasn't bad at all. We are so super excited to celebrate her towards the end of April!
2. Sophia is a reading machine. She continues to read more and more, with more fluency and accuracy. I am so proud of her progress but more than anything- she absolutely LOVES to read.
3. She is really starting to come out of her shell and I've noticed that she is growing more confident and reassured in her own skin every day. She has a group of friends that she has had since Kindergarten, some of which go to our church and are in other activities we go to. She has been more comfortable participating in activities, like this week, a talent show at her before/after school program. She is actually going to sing and dance with another friend which is HUGE for a girl who gets really anxious about talking or doing anything in front of others. I couldn't be a more proud mama!
1. We have pretty much set plans to travel to Yellowstone this summer, we have accommodations booked and a general idea of the sights we want to take in. We are SO excited for this trip!
2. My private practice is really starting to get busy. I am there almost every weeknight, except Tuesday. I am starting to get requests for Saturday's as well. The upside- it's growing but obviously, there are weeks that I feel like I am furiously trying to keep above water. I've had to give myself grace, do things with intentionality, and know what I am doing is enough at the end of the day, even when the list of to do's is never ending.
3. Will continues to work and is having some changes there but continues to keep his people in line with all of that IT security stuff =)
PS- Will, we need a DATE NIGHT because the only recent picture I have of just us, is from September, on our last date night!
So, there are three things about us that is new! I am working on a few new posts including what I'm craving in fashion for Spring and a review on Honest products.
I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week!