Hey friends! If you're new here or this is your first visit since the look has changed, welcome! Before I get started on the weekend recap, if you checked out this post- you read about my confusion as to why Lifetouch sent home two different picture packets of Sophia's school picture. I got this email back from her teacher and it made me laugh. We all know Sophia all too well. :)
Now for the weekend recap!
We spent Friday Night Pizza Night at the Tavern with my Grandma and Grandpa Batesole and my sister, mom, and Robert. We all had a great time catching up and enjoying yummy food! Well, most of us did- it seemed as though the stress of the week caught up to me and I was exhausted and didn't make very good dinner conversationalist. Along with multiple trips to the bathroom courtesy of my two year old- I instead caught snippets of conversations. But it was nice to finally sit down, eat some pizza and be surrounded by good people. Oh and by the way... MAJOR family fail- we didn't get any pictures of ANY of us. After supper, we walked down to the Theatrical Shop and looked at all the fun Halloween costumes.
Let it GOOOOOOO (oh c'mon you know you did...)
We took a trip to DQ for a tasty treat and then dropped Will off at his work to jump his car. This is what our Friday nights look like, people. Standing next to Elsa mannequins and jumping cars. We followed him to Firestone to be worked on the next day and headed home. The girls headed to bed and Will and I vegged out on the couch. And as I sit here typing this, I asked Will what we watched because I was searching my brain for what happened after I plopped on the couch in my sweats and he very politely reminded me, "the inside of your eyelids." I guess I fell asleep by 9. Oops.
Saturday was our Sunday. We woke up, I made eggs and the girls played. We ran to Target quick and the girls made some chocolate. Sophia LOVES cooking shows on YouTube and has recently found videos where you watch grown women opening new toys and playing with them, while reviewing them. I about fall asleep just watching these but Sophia loves them and when we're at the store, she'll say "Oh that's Yummy Nummies, can we get some?" HUH? What is this that you are speaking of? So, our purchase of the $6.99 Yummy Nummies chocolate kit was courtesy of Sophia and YouTube. This is what my world has come to.
Our little chocolatiers
After lunch and naps, I started to clean while the girls played some more. After cleaning, we relaxed a little and decided to grab Mexican food from the little restaurant down the street from our house. After the girls went up to bed, Will and I watched Furious 7 and headed to bed shortly after.
We woke up bright and early Sunday to cheer on my sister in the IMT Half Marathon. To pay money, actual money, and run 13.1 miles on a bright and early Sunday morning- to those people I say, " ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I'll be waiting for you at the finish line with my warm grande white chocolate mocha from Starbucks, thank you very much. But anyway, it was fun to cheer her on and she made her goal of running it in just under two hours. The girls loved cheering her on and despite my displeasure of running- or even jogging for that matter- the environment is upbeat and you can't help but get a little excited.
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Saidey is NOT impressed |
We went home, ate lunch and went down for rest time. I live for this moment every weekend. When time just slows down and I get to soak up this sight. It never gets old.
We got up in time to get ready, pick up Brooklyn and head to Center Grove Orchard. We haven't been in the past few years so it was fun to see how it was both the same and different.
Since we got there a little later, around 3:30, we didn't end up leaving until 6 and we could have probably stayed even longer. By the time we got home and ate, it was 7:30- YIKES! Needless to say after dunking both girls in a bath, we were all ready to call it a night.
We look forward to a quiet week- Will leaves out of town for work on Wednesday and gets home on Friday. The girls and I don't have much going on except getting a little fur baby groomed and getting costumes ready for Night Eyes next weekend.
That's all for now- have a great week!
PS- If you are over on Instagram, come follow me!! I tend to update it more than I do Facebook! I love my little Insta community! :)