Hey last week of August! And welcome September! I can't believe how fast this Summer went- we sure had a great Summer but now there is so much to look forward to- Fall weather, Halloween, pumpkin spice lattes, jeans and sweatshirts, and ISU FOOTBALL!
We had a low key Friday night- grabbed pizza and watched the movie, Home.
Odin is always tugging at her... |
Someone is exhausted after her first week of Kindergarten! She fell asleep on the way home from getting pizza. |
On Saturday, we decided to do Farmer's Market and took Odin for his first trip! He did great despite all the people- was very friendly, let people pet him (btw- I was surprised at the amount of people who just reached down and pet him without asking first). I know he is a small little guy, but goodness those are always the ones to watch out for amiright?! We went home for a quick lunch and relaxed before heading to Ankeny for a 2nd mermaid birthday party. The birthday girl was super cute and we had so much fun! We took advantage of being in Ankeny and picked up our favorite Chinese food. We ran quick to Michaels to pick up a few frames before picking up the food and heading home. We all went on a walk and then the girls went right to sleep after a busy day. Saturday night was quiet and of course, WM and I wrapped the evening off by a few episodes of Sons of Anarchy.
Odin's first trip to the Downtown Farmer's Market! |
Feeding her "baby" |

This picture of cake perfectly represents each girls' personalities to a T.
We had so much fun at the birthday party! Thanks for inviting us Quinn!
Watching TV just like his human :) |
Sunday was a stay home day. I cleaned and did laundry while Will entertained the girls in the basement. They got out the tent and set camp in the family room and watched Netflix movies.
The rest of Sunday consisted of naps, playing and coloring. I felt productive by getting the house cleaned and other small projects around the house I've been meaning to get done.
Our new quote on the chalkboard wall :) |
Coloring and you can't forget the stickers! |
Playing with Lego's on the table.. bc who has time to stand?!
We look forward to a quiet week, not a whole lot going on! Hope you all have a great week!
Happy Monday! |