If you would come over to our house, you would know instantly that it was a
house full of girls. To the litter of shoes at the door, to the My Little
Ponies on the floor to the numerous dress-up outfits and shoes shoved in every
nook and cranny, you will not be mistaken that Sophia has taken on in full force, the
stereotypical meaning of a girly-girl.
I have tried to introduce her to a variety of interests as well as steer her
away from the pink filled aisles at Target but I am telling you, trying to
persuade your 4 year old daughter away from Tinker Bell and Ariel is like
trying to take away honey from a bear, or crisp hundred dollar bills from a
bank robber. Nearly impossible. I don’t remember what started her interest in
princesses- I don’t think I even bought her anything princess related until SHE
started showing interest, maybe it was a TV show or movie or just things she
has seen around Target. It was like she was drawn to these stereotypical
gendered toys – You know when a character gets hypnotized and their eyes turn into this psychedelic swirl of red and white? Those bright pink dresses, sparkly shoes and crowns are all like “HEY! Look at
me! Look at me! You know you want me!!” And it got her. Got her good. Or like a fly to those ultraviolet light zappers- ZAP.

At first I struggled because I thought she needed more variety. So as
always, I tried to introduce other play themes with her other than being a mommy
or a princess. She has a train table and Legos. She has puzzles and board
games. She loves to read.
(Of course,
her favorite books star a princess or other girly-girl). We put her in soccer-
you know, thinking that’d TOUGHEN her up- rile her up a little. GET IN THERE,
SOPHIA, DIG!! Do you think that worked? No, my stubborn girl sat on the
sidelines and declared, “I DON’T LIKE SOCCER!” So, we’re in gymnastics. And she
loves it.
If she could, she would wear this EVERYDAY |
So, then I started thinking, what is so wrong with Sophia wanting to be a
princess or pretending to be a mommy? Sure, in movies like Pocahontas and Mulan
and even numerous other movies- it is portrayed that a girls place is to shut
up and look good. But on the other side, in several of those movies- the girls
defy the odds and they do STAND UP and fight for what is right. And they are BRAVE,
STRONG and COURAGEOUS, and of course maintaining their perfect hair and outfit.
But still. I began to think that if the worse thing my daughter wants to be are
a princess or mom, then I think we’re pretty well off. I can encourage these
attributes of what it does mean to be a princess and discuss how princesses are
kind, generous, brave, strong and courageous. These are all attributes that I can
only hope Sophia develops as she grows into a young lady.
Is this such a bad thing to teach to kids? |
Media can portray so many gender stereotypes and yes, most of them I don’t want
Sophia to internalize. But as a parent, the neat thing is that I can talk about
these things. Talk about why Mulan isn’t allowed to fight in the war. Talk
about how there used to be a time when women and girls weren’t allowed to go to
school or work. I can introduce her to all sorts of different activities and interests, talk about different jobs that are out there, but at the end of the day, I must follow her in where her interests lay. I understand that women of our history fought hard for the rights we have today and I am all for it. But sometimes I think we try so hard to defy stereotypes and fight gender roles that we forget another side. What are we saying to the stay at home moms? What are we saying to the women who are employed by still, female dominated roles? What are we saying to women who really truly love being at home, doing laundry and cooking? To the women who are self proclaimed "girly girls?" Just because we value one side doesn't mean it negates the other or devalues the other. Sometimes though, I think that happens. I hope to balance those two sides out for Sophia so that she can make the best decision for herself.
And again, another great message I would love for Sophia to learn |
But most of all, I want her to go after her dreams. Whether
that is to be a stay at home mom or a CEO of a big company- she has to do what
makes her happy. My biggest role is her cheerleader and to support her in
wherever her dreams may take her.
Even Princesses can play Candyland! |
And read books! |
And Tinker Bell can color, too! (Granted, it's a Princess riding on a pink horse, but hey) |