Happy 1st Birthday Sophia Rose!!
We can't believe it's been a whole year since we first laid eyes on you. What a year it's been! You've grown so much and have learned so much.
These are just a few things you have achieved during your 1 year with us...
Rolled over
Sat up
Signing all done and more
Pulling self up
Standing alone
Saying dada, mama, baba, Bo, ball
It has been a bittersweet weekend for me mostly. I can't believe our little girl is 1 already. I think back and it's crazy but I really can't remember what it was like to hold Sophia when she was a newborn. Even though it makes me sad to think of how fast the first year flew and how fast I am sure the next several years will fly by as well, I remember another parent telling me that each stage is even more fun than the last and I believe that is very true. We still have so much to look forward to and even more "firsts" that we're going to see her go through. This upcoming year, we'll see her language development just increase, being around my toddlers all day, it makes me excited to see her start talking. Then there's potty training and etc etc.. So, we'll just say we're both extremely happy to know that we have a healthy, beautiful 1 year old! :)
We celebrated Sophia's 1st birthday this weekend, and what a weekend it was! Grandpa and Grandma Scholtes came on Friday to help us prepare for all the birthday festivities, while Grandma and Grandpa Lee helped cook some yummy salads at their house to bring too! Everybody was such a great help and I don't think we could of done it without their help! We made pulled pork sandwiches, fruit salad, pasta salad, potato salad, chips and dip, and of course cupcakes!
On Saturday, Sophia's actual birthday, we really just relaxed and started getting everything prepared for the party. Sophia got to open presents from Mom and Dad and then from Grandma and Grandpa Scholtes. We also sang Happy Birthday to her and let her eat a cupcake for supper. She thought it was pretty tasty but stayed pretty clean. :)
Today, was the big day. Sophia woke up early and then took an AM nap. Will and I went early to set up and then everyone arrived around 12. We ate and just relaxed and visited with friends and family. Sophia was quieter than usual and was a little shy. Think she was a little overwhelmed with all the people. She did enjoy playing with the other kids though and was more interested in playing than opening her gifts. :) Sophia made out with some new clothes, some new toys, and a cool car! :)
She ate her cupcake and with help from Mommy got it smeared all over her face! :) Someone didn't like that too much!
Needless to say she fell asleep in the car and didn't even wake up when Grandma Scholtes placed her in her crib and she is still fast asleep- someone is pooped out from all the partying! :)