What a GREAT weeekend we've had! We started out being lazy on Friday and Sophia and I just hung out! We took out her AM bottle and she did really well without it! It'll be interesting when we have to wake her up so early during the week, we plan on giving her a small breakfast here before we leave and then she can eat again at daycare around 7:30ish. Hopefully she does ok with that this week. Also we are going to start introducing whole milk to her, just a little in her sippy cup mixed in with her formula to start.
Saturday AM we headed to Farmer's Market and ran errands and later we bought her a small 2 ring pool and blew that up and tried it out. Needless to say, she wasn't a fan. She only sat in it once I got in and then only on my lap. We're not so sure what the deal is with plastic blow up things as she freaked out about the inner tube deal that we introduced to her at my mom's. What a strange bird we say! :)
Sunday we did our usual errands and came home for Sophia to nap and once she woke up we headed to WDM's parade with Sarah, Lily, Hailey, and Sarah's parents and her sister. We met them there and waited for the parade to start! Sophia loved the parade and loved to bounce and dance to the music. She jumped only a few times at the loud horns and did great as the parade lasted until about 7. We were worried she would start to get fussy as she usually goes to sleep between 7 and 8. She made it through though and was in a great mood! It helped that Lily and Hailey were there to entertain her! :)
After the parade we picked up pizza and headed to Brian and Sarah's house to wait for fireworks to start at Jordan Creek. We all ate and then the girls played until about 9:30. I was so surprised that Sophia lasted that long and she seemed to be in great spirits still. I felt a little bad about keeping her awake but was planning on having her nap between or tucker out on the car ride but she kept at it! We went to Jordan Creek and waited for the fireworks to start- Sophia got a little restless waiting but as soon as that first firework went off, she was mesmerized! She jumped at the first one and her eyes got huge but after that she was just entranced.
As soon as we got in the car, Sophia tuckered out but at least it's a short ride home. We got her a bottle and put her in PJ's and sent her to bed. She woke up this morning pretty early- 7:30 and then was back in bed for a nap around 8:30. She slept until around 9:30 when we headed to Norwalk to meet my Grandma Claudia and that crew for a parade. Again, Sophia had a blast but was ready to return home for lunch and a nap. We then headed to a BBQ at Jim and Kate's- Sophia was a little fussy by then and a little extra sensitive. We ate and then decided to call it a day. Sophia was in bed by 8:30- about an hour later than usual. She'll have an interesting day tomorrow at daycare, but at least she can take naps! :) But now, the fireworks going off are waking her up, poor babe :(
Overall, we had an AWESOME holiday weekend and it seemed extra special with little Sophia by our side the whole time. We know she won't necessarily remember these early days but we still enjoy dragging her around with us :)
As much of a great weekend we had, it was busy and I am ready to return to a normal schedule and get Sophia back on track. This week will go fast as Saturday I leave bright and early and have a lot of preparation to do, including pack! Hope everyone else had a great holiday weekend! :)