Our big 9 month older!

Uh oh- Someone has found the stairs!

What a fabulous weekend we've all had! It's been really busy but hey, we're used to that! On Friday, Sophia and I were up and at em as I had an 8 am dr appt- I had to get bloodwork done to check my cholesterol- guess I am getting to that age, as my Dr suggested I do it now. I then had to meet with a client so Sophia went to daycare. I had a gap between clients so I ran out to the mall to get a few things, it was weird, going without a stroller, baby bag, and no baby! It was nice though, at the same time! After that, I grabbed a quick lunch and went to meet my other two clients. I finally was done and was able to get Sophia. We came home and waited for Will to get home. We had a relaxing night of doing pretty much nothing! Saturday was quite the busy day, we had Sophia's 9 mos pics, errands to run, pickle wraps to make and homework to be done. I was planning on going to a bachelorrete (sp?) party but decided that it would be best to stay at home and get things done before we were gone all day Sunday. I also figured it would be best to get some rest before the big Easter festivities too! :) Today, we woke up bright and early, let Sophia explore with her Easter basket, got ready, and headed to church. We should of been there a tad bit earlier as we had to sit in a separate room, it was so packed! After church, we grabbed a quick breakfast and headed to Marshalltown. We opened another Easter basket from Gma and Gpa Lee and then headed to my Aunt Diana's for lunch. We had a great day, playing with cousins and other relatives. We left there and returned to my mom's house, where Sophia ate and took a nap. When she woke up we headed to my Dad's and Carrie's and hung out there for a little while- tried out the Kinect, so that was fun! We finally headed home around 6 and after getting everything settled, we're finally all in bed and winding down! We've had a great Easter weekend, wish we had Monday off too! :)