What a great weekend we've all had! I think it's safe to say we're all healthy and on the mend. Sophia is down to just two treatments a day- one in the morning and one right before bed. She is in such a great mood and keeps us laughing all day long. We've had an awesome weekend- it's been relaxing! We had a nice day on Friday- I had to meet a client and Sophia went to daycare for a few hours and then it was just a very chill afternoon- we headed to the Cheesecake Factory for supper- YUMMY! Then it was back home and time for Sophia to go to bed. Will and I played around on his new Xbox- he's been bugging me about getting one forever now and he finally decided to just get one! Thank goodness- now I can quit hearing about it! :) Saturday we decided to go to Williamsburg- got some great Spring/summer deals for Sophia- Carter's was having a 50% off everything in the store so needless to say, we went a little crazy! Sophia is pretty well stocked up on shorts, capris, and shirts! Very cute stuff! We headed back to get ready for dinner out with some friends. Tiff came to play with Sophia and we headed to Ohana's for dinner to celebrate a friend's birthday and then we went out for some drinks afterwards. It was a fun night but it was great returning home to our little girl. This morning we focused on laundry and cleaning up and then we went for lunch and had a Target and Trader Joe's stop. We're home now while Sophia is sleeping and we're just going to relax the rest of the day. Going to try out Trader Joe's pizza dough and make some pizza tonight and that's about it! This week will be busy with both of us in class all week- but the end is near- we only have to get through the month of April. Other than that, we're just thankful Sophia is getting better and we're having fun getting to see her personality shine through!