Sophia Rose turned 7 months this week! And what a week its been! WHEW! It seems as though we were just saying how healthy and lucky we've all been when all of a sudden- BAM, it all seemed to hit the fan!
We have had a lot of sickness going around the center- none in my room or Sophia's room but in the room next to mine (two rooms are connected by a bathroom and kitchen areas) has RSV and Influenza B and another toddler room has RSV as well. Sophia is on week 2 of a yucky cold- not eating or sleeping very well and generally plain grumpy! We took her to the DR on Tuesday night and got a bill of health, saying she is on the downhill slide of it. We sure hope so!
We've been doing a lot of sanitizing and cleaning needless to say!
Things have started getting a little crazy with school and beginning to see clients. I have two middle school clients and an adult client and I must say- I am loving it! I can't wait to do this full time! I am glad I've had the opportunity to work with middle school aged kids because I've found I love that age and am certain its the age group I'd like to work with after graduation.
Other than that, we look forward to nice weekend with a few family coming up to visit. Should be a pretty low key, relaxing weekend!
Things Sophia is doing at 7 months:
Drinking 6 oz/4-5 hours
Eating 3 meals a day- Cereal and fruit in the am, Veggies for lunch, veggies and fruit for supper
Trying puffs, crunchies ( think of mini cheetos) and cheerios (can eat them fine, doesn't seem to like the taste)
Trying real peas, green beans, pears, and peaches (isn't so sure about it)
Drinking water out of a sippy cup
Working on sign language (just working on more, all done, and please for now)
Sitting up and reaching all the way down and then can sit back up again
Sleeping all night (7:30 or 8 until 5:30 and 7:30 on weekends)
Making a lot of grunting noises- LOUDLY ( we blame this on a boy in her class who also grunts loudly) :)