We had another fun filled but busy weekend! We started off by going to Sophia's 6 month appointment- all is well- she weighs 13.9 ounces and is 25 inches long. She is still measuring on the small side but is gaining weight so no worries. She survived her shots and as soon as we picked her up she stopped crying.
We then went to my eye appointment and then headed to Marshalltown to meet Jaxson, who was born on Thursday! What a cutie! We joke and say that Jaxson and Sophia are boyfriend and girlfriend, Dad isn't so sure about that one! :) We had a relaxing Friday night and Sophia went to bed ok, took her awhile but nothing we couldn't handle. Saturday we all woke up and my mom, sister, and I did a little shopping and then got to visit Jaxson again. We came home and played and then we got ready to go out for Brooklyn's birthday dinner. It was a good time and good food, we all had lots of fun!
We came home today, ran a few errands and caught up on the usual stuff around the house. Sophia and I get to stay home tomorrow so we have a nice 4 day weekend. Get to spend the day cleaning and getting a head start on homework as classes are in full swing and it's going to be a busy semester to say the least.
Sophia is getting really good at sitting up without support and she is also starting to rock on all fours- a little scary as it's hard to think that she'll be up and moving in a few months- EEK! Other than that we survived another weekend of travel and had good times with loved ones!