Baby S' changing table and dresser

Mural that Aunt Teri is painting

Baby S' crib and bedding

Aunt Brooklyn painting

My one roll contribution!

Wow! What a weekend! We went from a tan, bare guest room to a cream and blue baby's nursery in one day! What a busy weekend we've all had! I had class Saturday and so Will, my mom, sister and aunt helped Will paint the nursery. When I got home they were pretty much all done except for the blue wall so I got to help, well if you count one rolls worth! The room looks great and all we have left is a few finishing touches. We've got the mural to be finished on top of the closet doors, curtains to be made, and get a few pieces of furniture that we're waiting on. Other than that, it's really coming together and it's all becoming a little more real! Today, I had class again but was out by 2 so that was nice, and then we had prenatal class from 4-6. We learned about the active and transition stages of labor and some massage techniques as well as pain medication. We also went over birth and newborn plans so that is something we're going to have to sit down and do one night soon. We also still need to find a pediatrician but we have a few in mind, so we just need to call!
I am almost 34 weeks and have an appointment coming up this Tuesday. Other than that, everything is pretty much the same, she's still poking and sticking out body parts and making my ribs hurt! :) But I am not to that totally uncomfortable stage and I am still enjoying being pregnant, although I am more than ready for her to be here already! :)